New 'Fortnite' Lever Action Shot Gun Weapon: Where to Find and How to Get Them

Epic Games has released tons of exciting updates so far for the popular battle royale, "Fortnite". Latest updates that are being eyed among players are the new exotic weapon Hop Rock Dualies and the new crashed Predator ship. Aside from that, the recent x15.20 update from "Fortnite" has also brought a new exciting weapon, the Lever Action Shotgun that allows players to earn one hit eliminations.

New 'Fortnite' Lever Action Shot Gun Weapon: Where to Find and How to Get Them
Screenshot: Youtube Video by Lachlan on Youtube

Dexerto reports that the new weapon is likely an upgrade from the Pump Shotgun which was taken from the game since Season 5. Although many have been disappointed, hopefully this new addition can be a great match for the Pump shotgun.

As stated according to Epic Games, the Lever Action shotgun is a "Pump-Action. Deals high damage at a moderate fire rate. Short range and limited magazine size."

Although there are many additions that catch players' attention, the new weapon is also a catch. The Lever Action Shotgun is a regular short-range companion for the Lever Action Rifle. As Sportskeeda writes, what's great about this new weapon is that when used perfectly is enough to defeat fully-shielded enemies. The weapon also has awesome animation that adds extra visual oomph to the game.

Where can the Lever Action Shotgun be found?

"Fortnite's" official release announces that the Lever Action shotgun can be found among regular loot drops just within the island. Moreover, it can also be found through an NPC just in the arena mode. The NPC can be located in the factory building which is situated between the Slurpy Swamp and the Misty Meadows.

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How to get the Lever Action Shotgun in Fortnite

Thankfully, the Lever Action Shotgun isn't that difficult to find. It isn't like exotic weapons that are very difficult to attain, and requires a lot of purchases from specific NPCs. The new Lever Action shotgun can be found in many places. Follow these steps to get the new weapon in "Fortnite's" Arena mode:

After leaving the Battle Bus, players ought to move forward to the deserted plant building found on the little isthmus interfacing Slurpy Swamp with Misty Meadows.

Given that typically this is the only easy-to-spot and available strategy conceivable for players to get their hands on the Lever Action Shotgun in "Fortnite", players can anticipate numerous foes within the locale. In doing this, players should expect a lot of challenges.

Now once the players have defeated all the foes, they should now move on to the main building. There, they should seek for the NPC. This NPC needs to be murdered in order to come back with the Lever Action shotgun that players can purchase.

The caveat is that NPCs are very difficult to defeat. Thus, players need to be ready before engaging. The NPC has loads of shields. Not to mention, they have a hard defense mechanism. It is more strategic for players to construct walls in order to avoid bullets from NPC.

After players have defeated NPC, they should return with five lever Action shotguns that can be found in their inventory. Now players will be able to purchase these weapons for 49 gold bars.

Once you finish this challenge, you can now have your own Lever Action Shotgun, now you can defeat fully-shielded enemies with one hit!

Written by Nikki D

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