"Pokemon GO's" New Year feature is bringing back one of the rarest and popular Legendary Birds from Generation II of the series, Shiny Ho-Oh, which would soon appear on raids this 2021. Five-star raids would soon feature the bird, giving a chance for trainers to catch Shiny Ho-Oh after defeating it.

As promised, new opportunities are indeed coming during new years and the augmented reality (AR) game, "Pokemon GO" is making a Legendary Bird up for grabs to anyone who can defeat it in a raid. 2021 is gearing up to be compensating for the dreadful year of 2020, with the AR game stepping up with the new offers for its trainers.
According to Gamepur's report, the Shiny Ho-Oh Raid this 2021 would be available beginning the start of this year, January 1, until Tuesday, January 5, 10 am (local time) only. The Pokemon's legendary status puts it at the "Big Leagues" of "Pokemon GO's" raids which would all be on five-star that has massive CP, and incredibly fast and charged attacks.
This weekend is the only opportunity in which Shiny Ho-Oh would appear on the game, and after that, the powerful trainers who have captured the legendary bird would only possess the rare Pokemon. Also, note that not all Ho-Oh raids and encounters would guarantee a Shiny version of the bird, as they would also be limited and on chosen locations only.
'Pokemon GO' Shiny Ho-Oh 2021: Here's How to Beat, Counter, Etc.
Of course, defeating Ho-Oh in a five-star Legendary Boss Raid would be a hard feat, and players would only have limited run on the game, and would immediately flee by Tuesday. Ho-Oh still has counters and weaknesses because it is still a Pokemon, but the best bet to defeat the bird is by having allies and trainers to work together and beat it.
Counters and Weaknesses
According to Pokemon's website, Ho-Oh is a Fire and Flying-type Pokemon, and this certainly would have counters, along with other creatures in the game. Flying has specific a specific weakness from Electric-type Pokemon, and Fire is weak against water.
However, the best damage for both types and against Ho-Oh are Ground-types as it would both not be affected by Fire and Flying. Here are the ideal Pokemon to use against Ho-Oh:
- Tyranitar
- Aggron
- Golem
- Rampardos
- Rhyperion
- Omastar
- Terrakion
How to Beat Ho-Oh
The bird would be able to use top-tier fire attacks that deal massive damage, which is why Ground-types are the best counter to it. Swipe dodge all the charged attacks while combining basic attacks to put some dent in the creature's health bar.
Switch Pokemon from Ground to Water-types to deal with different "Super Effective" damage to the legendary Pokemon.
Best Team
The best team to use against Ho-Oh is Rhyperion, Tyranitar, Rampardos, Terrakion, and best to add Water and Electric-types in the team. The first four Pokemon would already deal massive damage to the bird, but also ask help from other trainers.
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This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Isaiah Alonzo