Americans could have their normal lives by the fall of 2021. American leading infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci made this remark in an online discussion with California Governor Gavin Newsom provided that enough number of people decide to receive the jab and if COVID vaccine administration picks up.
Fauci said that assuming that if the vaccination campaign "progresses as it should" by July, there will be enough herd immunity by early fall of 2021 to return to a situation with "strong semblance of normality," opening up restaurants, theaters, schools, and sports events.

Fauci: Life to normalize by Spring 2021
Fauci made the statement on December 30 when the U.S. recorded 3,903 fatalities in one day. The Mirror reported that it was the deadliest day throughout the pandemic while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that 82,000 more deaths can be expected in 24 days.
Also, more than 125,000 hospitalizations were recorded two days before the year ends as highly infectious coronavirus strain was detected in California and Colorado. However, Fauci noted that it is normal for virus to mutate and the more it mutates, the more it would replicate. He added that this particular strain more transmissible from person to person.
Fauci also said that the U.S. is expected to have many cases as the country has been open for direct flights from the U.K. and other countries. "This is something that is expected," he noted.

Fortunately, while it has higher rate of transmission, experts believe the new COVID variant is in any way produce more severe symptoms while those who were previously infected do not seem to get re-infected by the new strain.
Also, the coronavirus vaccines available are also believed to have the same efficacy against the new strain. Currently, cases of infection by the new variant have also been reported in other European countries, Australia, Canada, India, Japan, and South Korea.
Health experts also warn the public that with people's failure to follow public health warnings to avoid unnecessary travel and social gatherings over holidays coupled with a colder weather, the level of infections will remain high.
Read also: Coronavirus Vaccine Passport May Be Required for Travelling in 2021: How It Works and How to Get It
Herd Immunity Possible by July if COVID vaccine administration speeds up
By the end of 2020, the U.S. only given out around 10% of the 20 million of coronavirus vaccine doses the government promised to give to Americans. This translates to nearly 2.6 million people who received their first doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, as of 9 a.m. of Dec. 30, even though more than 12 million doses were distributed across the country.
Although these jabs are difficult to ship because they need to be stored at freezing temperatures, a former FDA official told DailyMail that the holdup is caused by state and federal officials who failed to create efficient plans on how to administer those shots. However, Gov. Newsom is positive that vaccination will gain momentum by January and the general public could receive the vaccine by April.
Meanwhile, the AstraZeneca vaccine was already authorized by the U.K. on Dec. 30. The cheaper vaccine could definitely boost vaccine distribution because it is much easier to ship and store than Moderna and Pfizer jabs.
The U.S. regulators are holding on approving the AstraZeneca's vaccine until April or two months after the US FDA receive sufficient data to prove that it works.
Related article: Astrazeneca's New COVID Antibody Drug Promises Instant Coronavirus Immunity Enters Phase 3 Trials
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Written by CJ Robles