The "Cyberpunk 2077" is a non-linear sci-fi RPG where players need to earn enough money to be able to afford upgrades, outfits, weapons, and cyberware. There are tons of ways to earn Eddies in the game like taking on gigs from Fixers, there are faster ways to earn unlimited money.
In this guide, you will learn how to make money fast and craft XP using exploits and glitches.

'Cyberpunk 2077': How to Make Money Fast with Exploits and Glitches
You can make loads of money with the vending machine, Sasquatch, and space odyssey money exploits, which was compiled by IGN.
Vending machine money exploit
To earn money fast and easy, you can just look for vending machines that sell items for 10 Eddies each. There are several machines spread around Night City, but you may skip those that sell $5 items.
- Buy all the items available in the machine.
- Gather all the stuff you purchased and include them to your catalog.
- Open the inventory, find the items you just bought, and disassemble them to get common and rare crafting materials. Note: Unlock theMechanic crafting perkto get more crafting materials from dismantling items. You may spend one of your perk points to maximize your profit.
- Next, open the Crafting menu andcraft as much uncommon weapons(those in green) with all resources you got and gain crafting XP for each weapon you crafted. This adds up quickly and can be used to further gainunlimited crafting XP.
- After which, search for the items that sell for the highest price, which you can check by hovering over each item before crafting it.
- Finally,find a drop station or vendor to sell your newly craftedweaponsand get away with hefty profit.
For example, by spending $100 for 10 soda cans used for crafting materials to get the Nekomata rifle, you can earn $78 Eddies for each rifle. This means by getting all possible cans and selling numerous weapons, you can easily make unlimited money while exploring the Night City.

Battle Sasquatch exploit to receive unlimited rewards
During the I Walk the Line Main Job, you will have to defeat the Voodoo Boys from the Animals boss, named Sasquatch to reclaim the mall. However, make sure you have taken out all enemies before fighting with Sasquatch because your battle against her is the key to do this exploit.
- After killing Sasquatch, you will receive XP, money, and Street Cred while you may also take her loot.
- Manually create a new save slot.
- Use the new save to load the game.
- You will find Sasquatch on the floor in this new save. Easily eliminate her and receive the rewards again for defeating her.
- You may also switch your difficulty to Very Hard after the initial fight to receive better rewards, but change it back once you are done.
- Continue doing this and earn unlimited money.
Space Oddity Infinite Money Hack
In the Space Oddity Infinite money-making hack, you can get an item from a side job, sell it to earn money, then buy it back later. Here's how to do it:
- Go to Rancho Coronado located in Santo Domingo.
- Look for a gas station with a homeless encampment where you will find the "Space Oddity" side job.
- Approach and try to negotiate the men at the table. This will require a body level 7. You may also pay 2,000 eddies for it or simply shoot them to get it for free.
- After that, if you have a level 10 of intelligence, you may hack the laptop, which you can find on the table.
- Otherwise, you may find the location of the body from whom the laptop was stolen. Use your scanner and you will find the body on the west of the gas station, between dumpsters. Scan it and steal the Access Shard from the body to unlock the laptop.
- Insert the shard to the laptop and run the file "launch.exe" to get coordinates to the drop point.
- The drop point area is guarded by seven Militech soldiers with high level armor and weapons. You must be at level 15, but it still depends on your overall combat skill, attributes, and perks.
- Defeat the Militech agents and get the painting from the center capsule. The Scrapper perk would help while the painting will not be auto-disassembled as it is not a junk.
- Sell the painting for 4,000 eddies at the nearest drop box, and then close the window.
- Interact with the drop box again and buy the painting for only 5 eddies. Close the window.
- Transact again and resell the painting for 4,000.
- Repeat this process to get more eddies. However, you may need to look for another drop box once the first one ran out of money.
"Cyberpunk 2077" was released on Dec. 10 for PC, Stadia, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
Related article: 'Cyberpunk 2077' Pain Editor Cyberware Location Guide: Where to Find and How to Get It?
This is owned by Tech Times
Written by CJ Robles