'Cyberpunk 2077' Side Missions Romance Guide: How to Romance Judy, River, Meredith, Panam, Meredith

Some of the choices you make in CD Projekt's "Cyberpunk 2077" will make significant changes in how the story will turn out, not only with the conclusion but also with V's relationships in the game, which can become meaningful than hiring prostitutes and having one-night stands.

Besides Panam, you can also romance Judy Alvarez, a member of the Moxes gang and the Braindance expert of Night City.

V will meet Judy in the early part of "Cyberpunk 2077" as she will send you to your first Braindance session, but to romance her, you must choose a female version of V, with a feminine body type.

Then, once the "Automatic Love" main quest arrives, she will be pulled back into V's life, and whenever prompted, always choose to call her to keep the romance alive.

Judy will be involved in side missions "The Space in Between," "Disasterpiece," and "Double Life," and each time you unlock these missions, be sure that you keep her in the loop and involve her whenever you can.

Most of all, keep her happy by following what she says.

Furthermore, two more personal missions will include Judy, "Both Sides Now" and "Pyramid Songs," and make sure you check out the following parts:

  • When given an option whether to spare a certain character or kill them, ask Judy what she prefers and then simply follow what she says.
  • During the "Pisces" quest, do what Judy says and draw your gun when prompted. If you DON'T kill Maiko, Judy will reward you with a kiss on the cheek. If you DO kill Maiko, she will be too stunned to say anything, but don't worry as she will contact you in the next few days and it doesn't change anything with her.

After "Pyramid Song," things will become more physical, so choose the option with the "Touch" prefix, and the next day, she will ask you what you felt about last night, to which you should respond with "The beginning of something amazing," to start a long-term relationship with her.

Getting the best ending with Judy is available on our ALL endings guide, wherein you must let Panam and her family help you deal with Arasaka.

How to Romance River

Another "Cyberpunk 2077" character V can romance is River Ward, an NCPD detective that V first meets during the "I Fought The Law" side quest during Act 2.

River is a male character, and to romance him, V must have a female body type.

During the "I Fought The Law" side quest, you and River will be investigating the death of a previous Night City mayor, so complete the quest to unlock another personal side job, "The Hunt," where you have to ensure River and Randy stays alive all throughout the quest.

There are no dialogue choices you need to particularly select, but do scan everything in Braindance and then pick "Edgewater Farm" as the location when given the option and continue sticking with River to keep him and Randy alive.

Soon enough, River will contact you for another sie quest, "Following The River," where you have the opportunity to flirt with him through dialogue choices, saying you missed him, and the sort.

Again, the dialogues for romance options are pretty obvious.

Soon enough, things will get more intimate, so when prompted, choose "I can see what you're doin'," and then follow with "Just don't fall in love..."

The next morning, River will ask what it all means, then finally, choose the "[Kiss] Yes." option to start a long-term relationship with River.

How to Romance Kerry

The next "Cyberpunk 2077" character you can romance is Kerry Eurodyne, a former member of Johnny Silverhand's band, Samurai, who is still alive during V's time and looking exactly like he did all those years ago.

To romance Kerry, V should have a masculine voice with a masculine body type.

To meet Kerry, you must unlock "Cyberpunk 2077" side quests that involve Johnny and Rogue, including "Chippin' In" followed by "Blistering Love," which will then trigger the "Holdin' On" side mission where you can finally meet Kerry in the present time.

Once you meet him, a string of side quests will be available involving Kerry, from "Second Conflict," to "A Like Supreme," and then "Rebel! Rebel!" where you will soon need to choose the right choices after that last quest.

Soon after, Kerry will text you, and you should respond with "Who doesn't like explosions and races, right?"

A string of new side quests will be unlocked, starting from "I Don't Wanna Hear It," and then "Off the Leash," where the following dialogues are essential for starting a relationship with him:

  • "[Lean] Glad we got a moment to ourselves."
  • "You can tell me."
  • "But you did make it."
  • "Maybe it's time you stopped being afraid."
  • "[Kiss Kerry] Yes."

Then, a final quest will be unlocked, "Boat Drinks," where the dialogues you should select are:

  • "[Sit] Yeah."
  • "[Stand] Let's play!"
  • "Let's rip the whole f**kin' boat apart!"
  • "[Help Kerry]"
  • "[Kiss]"

This series of dialogues will prompt a rather fiery scene between V and Kerry, but soon after when you both reach the beach, choose the "Hug" option when prompted to start a long-term relationship with Kerry.

How to Romance Meredith

Lastly, you can romance "Cyberpunk 2077's" Meredith Stout, a Corpo executive you will meet early in the game on "Cyberpunk 2077's" main storyline.

Of all the romanceable characters in the game, Meredith is the only one you can choose to have a relationship with regardless of your gender and appearance, although the "romance" with her isn't as romantic as the rest.

Nevertheless, before entering the Malestrom gang hideout in "The Pickup," you have an option to call and deal with Meredith, and during that scene, it doesn't matter whether you accept the money chip she offers or not--the important thing is you don't attack her guards.

Once the quest ends, Meredith will send a text where you should reply with "Shame. Was starting to like you..." and then she'll offer to meet, to which you should respond with "I'll be there," then go to the location for practically a one-night stand with Meredith.

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Written by: Nhx Tingson

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