'Pokemon Go' Galarian Mr. Mime Ticket FAQs: Price, How to Get It, Is It Worth It

It seems Niantic people has been working overtime to continuously provide "Pokémon GO" trainers with events to keep them busy throughout the holidays. The latest offering is a special research event involving Galarian Mr. Mime that will begin on December 19.

Before jumping into this event have gathered important details on whether getting the "Pokémon GO" Galarian Mr. Mime ticket is worth the price and how to get it. Check this FAQ below:

Well, for casual gamers, it would be easy to say NO, but of course, it would be hugely different for competitive and hardcore players. The rewards included in Galarian Mr. Mime may become available for free later on, so it would be hard to justify the $8 event ticket. Let's take a look at what is at stake during the event:

  • 30 Ultra Balls
  • 3 Super Incubators
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 3 Premium Battle Passes
  • 3 Incense
  • 3 Star Pieces
  • 2 Glacial Lures
  • 1 Exclusive Trainer Pose
  • 1 Poffin
  • Encounters with Jigglypuff, Alolan Vulpix, Jynx, Chimecho, Whismur, Snorunt, Woobat, Cubchoo, and Lapras
  • An encounter with Galarian Mr. Mime encounter. Trainers who have enough candies can evolve Galarian Mr. Mime to Mr. Rime.

Well, with all rewards included, trainers will be getting "Pokémon GO" items that are worth more than $8 worth, particularly the Incense, Battle Passes, Glacial Lures, and Super Incubators. With just about two days before the event, go ahead and assess whether to get the "Pokémon GO" Galarian Mr. Mine event ticket or not.

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Written by CJ Robles

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