'Pokemon GO' Community Day 2020 FAQs: Here's All December Double XP, Pokemon Specials, Spotlights, and MORE!

"Pokemon GO" Community Day will soon come on the platform to celebrate its third anniversary. It would bring the best offers to complete the whole experience for gamers who will participate this December. The Community Day initially began last January 2018 but has changed during 2019's December and would see the same pattern for its third year.

Pokemon Community Day
Pokemon News via Twitter @PokemonSwordNS

Niantic Labs is now gearing up for one of "Pokemon GO's" largest festivals and events for the entire month of December, offering almost every occasion with back-to-back raids, Double XP points, Pokemon Spotlights, etc. The event would also feature 1/2 egg distance kilometers, 2x Stardust, and an extended 3-hour lure module for PokeStops.

December 2020 would be one of "Pokemon GO's" most anticipated and massive event of the year. It aims to give players a chance to celebrate the game's anniversary that promises the most massive rewards ever. Each year tops the previous event over, and 2020's Community Day would hold one for the books.

'Pokemon GO' Community Day 2020: FAQs for all of December's Offers
Pokemon Community Day
Pokemon News via Twitter @PokemonSwordNS

According to Dexerto, this year's Community Day would offer many freebies and offers to trainers that prove to be irresistible and unique. Do not miss Community Day as it brings all the needs to build a powerful lineup, arsenal, and collection to compliment your trainer's dreams.

When Will 'Pokemon GO' Community Day Begin?

According to Pokemon GO's website, the Community Day would immediately start on December 1, which would be on this week's Tuesday. Almost immediately, trainers would experience the double XP that began on November 18 under the GO Beyond Update.

Additionally, all of the other double offers in-game would be available by December. Grinding the levels and catch this December would indeed pay-off for aspiring trainers and those who plan to use the event to go to lengths in terms of "Pokemon GO."

What is Pokemon Spotlight Hours?

Pokemon Spotlight Hours is a weekly rotation of Pokemon to catch and have special offers apart from the double XP, Stardust, etc. This feature gives more of what is offered by Niantic Labs and "Pokemon GO," giving trainers more than expected when managing the PokeDex.

The special event would take place every 6:00 PM (local time) and change Pokemon every hour.

  • Tuesday, December 1, 2020: Seel: Earn twice the XP for evolving Pokémon.
  • Tuesday, December 8, 2020: Swinub: Earn twice the Stardust for catching Pokémon.
  • Tuesday, December 15, 2020: Surprise Pokémon: Earn twice the Candy for catching Pokémon.
  • Tuesday, December 22, 2020: Snorunt: Earn twice the Candy for transferring Pokémon.
  • Tuesday, December 29, 2020: Snover: Earn twice the XP for evolving Pokémon.

What Raids Would Take Place?

According to Pokemon GO's website, there would be numerous raids for the entire December, along with Mega Raids of selected Pokemon. The Mega Raids would begin by Tuesday, December 1, at 1 PM PST (4 PM EST).

  • Mega Abomasnow
  • Mega Charizard X
  • Mega Gengar

Legendary Pokemon Raids?

  • Kyurem - Five Star Raids from Dec. 1 to January 1, 2021, 1 PM PST (4 PM EST)

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Written by Isaiah Alonzo

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