Time travel, just like parallel worlds, is an idea that many scientists do consider, but a concept that hasn't been done in real life and is only apparent in science fiction, but sometimes, there is some "evidence" that will have you confused--at least for a minute or two.
Among these pieces of "evidence" is a 19th-century painting created by Austrian painter Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller.
For example, an ancient Greek statue called the "Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant" shows a woman who people said was using a laptop, but according to Jeffrey Spier, the senior curator of antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum where the statue is, the item is likely a hinged mirror or a jewelry box.
Another artwork is known as "Mr. Pynchon and the Settling of Springfield," which was painted in 1937, which apparently shows a Native Indian man holding a smartphone.
Do we all see the man holding an iPhone in this 1937 painting? https://t.co/lLvWqmIdpm — VICE (@VICE) October 23, 2017
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Written by: Nhx Tingson