Among the numerous creatures found over the years in the "World of Warcraft" realm, the Murloc race was the most robust, which first appeared in "Warcraft 3" and has since returned in almost every WoW expansion. This is the reason it became the unofficial mascots of the game.

With the new purple Glimmerfin tribe found living in Grizzly Hills, "World of Warcraft" players can get a new secret battle pet, the Glimr. Here is how to get the secret purple pet, which involves completing a short quest such as helping the Glimmerfin tribe.
'World of Warcraft' Glimr Guide: Glimmerfin Scale
Unlike any other murloc found in Northrend, the Glimmerfin Scale is a brightly-colored scale that falls to the ground after the murloc ran off. To complete this task, you must go to Venture Bay located in the Grizzly Hills' southwest corner.

- Fly to the glaciers over the ocean and you need to find a Glimmerfin Scout. Approaching near it will cause this NPC to flee, but it will leave a Glimmerfin Scale behind offering a quest.
- Soon, the scale will shortly disappear as the Murloc runs away, although it will reappear after a few minutes. While many players may be blocking or waiting for the item, you can still do this on RP servers or lower population to reduce the population in the area.
- The scale will direct you to Borean Tundra's King Mrgl-Mrgl on the other side of Northrend. It is suggested to befriend the new Murloc group by looting Meaty Crab Chunks in the Venture Bay area. You do not need to swim back up for air while you can use the three Elixirs of Water Breathing you received in the previous quest.
- Gather 10 crab chunks before going to the quest marker inside the underwater shipwreck where you can meet the Glimmerfin Murlocs.

Glimmerfin Tribe Quests
As the quest continues, Glimmerfin leader Glimmergut will accept your gift, but you still need to get a Pile of Blubberfat from the nearby seal, Horker.
- You need to grab the Giant Pearl guarded by patrolling Gem-Eyes after delivering the pile to the Glimmerscale Oracle.
- You can either use a Druid or have underwater mounts since the pearl is located after the fatigue boundary. You may drown if it takes you to long to complete the process. While Gem-Eyes only has a small aggro radius, you may use crowd control to ensure this snake will not attack while you are looting the pearl.
- After bringing back the pearl, you must conquest Trainer Grrglin, which will require you to collect three piles of seaweed in fatigue waters. The Murloc pet battler will release an aquatic, critter, and aquatic pet, but you can use beast and flying pets to defeat them.
- The Glimmerscale Oracle will ask you to slay the Great Mua'kin located near the shipwreck as the quest reaches its conclusion. After succeeding in the fight, you need to go back to the Glimmerscale Oracle, which will award you the Glimr's Cracked Egg purple pet.

This quest to obtain Glimr is relatively easy, so players are expected to have it. Hopefully, this Blizzard would add more battle pets in all "World of Warcraft," particularly as the "World of Warcraft: Shadowlands" rolls out on November 23.
This is owned by Tech Times
Written by CJ Robles