Do We Really Need to Shower Daily? Doctors Say Skipping Showers Does Not Hurt

Amid the coronavirus pandemic some people tend to neglect their daily habits just because they do not find the need to doing so. People are locked in their houses and they have nowhere to go since most companies are forced to switch to home-based working while schools shift to distance learning.

Corporate people have traded their suits for pajamas while they do their work, not in their office cubicles, but in dining area. Similarly, the living area are now the new classrooms.

Doctors Say Skipping Showers Does Not Hurt
Doctors Say Skipping Showers Does Not Hurt bruce mars/Unsplash

With this change in lifestyle, people tend to lose the need to take a shower, so they skip it once in a while. After all, no one else can see or smell them even when they do not shower.

Showering daily: Is it Good or Bad?

We grow up in promotional campaigns that urge people to shower daily, but it does not hurt if people will skip bathing once in a while. Of course, taking a bath helps us wake up in the morning, eliminates body odor, and freshens up after a workout, which are technically all related to our intrapersonal relationships.

However, there is no clear evidence of any great impact on health of daily bathing. According to a blog post by Dr. Robert H. Shmerling, Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publishing senior faculty editor, daily baths can actually lead to more harms than good.

Primarily, our immune systems require certain stimulation from dirt, microorganisms, and other exposures in the environment to develop immune memory and protective antibodies. This is why some dermatologists and pediatricians do not advise daily baths for kids because it reduce the body's ability to cope with the environment.

Also, skin may become irritated, dry, or itchy. Worse, cracked and extremely dry skin may encourage the growth of bacteria and allergens, leading to allergic reactions and skin infections. Meanwhile, antibacterial soaps kill off normal bacteria, which disrupts upsets the balance of sking microorganisms and even encourages the advent of less friendly organisms that are more resistant to antibiotics.

Corporate people have traded their suits for pajamas
Corporate people have traded their suits for pajamas Standsome Worklifestyle/Unsplash

In addition, one's profession would also tell how often we should be taking a bath. According to Best of Life, people who have close contact with viruses, fungi, and bacteria like doctors, healthcare workers, paramedics, construction workers, plumbers, and athletes should take daily showers. Similarly, those who regularly exercise and sweat a lot should also take a bath more often to prevent bacteria from growing and increasing rapidly on our skin.

For the rest? Well, there is no need to go on a daily trip to the bathroom.

Important Body Parts That You Need to Wash

Instead of bathing daily, dermatologist Dr. Sandy Skotnicki suggested the public to regularly wash with soap their armpits, feet, and groin which have the most sensitive skin and are more prone to bacteria and fungus growth, ingrown hairs, and even some infections.

Also, doctors urge the public to continue with proper handwashing as much as they can, particularly with the COVID-19 crisis. They also advise washing face and brushing teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. This would respectively prevent irritations and breakouts as well as plaque and tooth decay.

Meanwhile, although people stay most of the time at home, it is best to wear sunscreen every day, even during winter. Applying at least 15 SPF would reduce the risk for melanoma and other skin issues by half.

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Written by CJ Robles

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