According to the American Community Survey, almost 90% of households in the US own a computer. While the number of PC users worldwide is constantly growing, it is important for them to have some practical knowledge on how to properly maintain their devices.
Computer maintenance is crucial for three main reasons:
1. Saving time and effort in the long run. A little bit of time spent on maintenance regularly can save you hours of trying to fix issues that may pile up in your system in the future due to neglect.
2. Cost-efficiency. It is always better to prevent a problem than to deal with its full consequences later, including the financial burden that comes with it. Regular maintenance can save you money that you may need to spend on computer technicians if you ignore essential processes for long enough. If you habitually maintain your system, the risk of facing such consequences decreases.
3. Smoother system performance. A PC well-maintained is a PC that is fast and efficient. Some basic maintenance can be quite handy if you want your computer to perform at the top of its abilities for a long time.
In this guide, we will discuss some actionable steps that every user can take to effectively maintain their system. The guide is divided into two major parts: the first will focus on things that can be done by every Windows user right within the system. The second part will look into how maintenance can be automated using PC optimization apps with Outbyte PC Repair serving as an example of such a program.
Maintaining Your System With the Default Windows Toolset
Windows OS has enough features and options for basic system maintenance, below are the most common and recommended ones:
1. Perform Windows Updates. Regular OS updates can help your system run smoothly. These are also quite easy to perform. Normally, your system will notify you when a new update is ready to be installed. However, you can also initiate the process yourself. All you need to do is click on Start > Settings > Type 'check for updates" in the field ' Find a Setting' as shown below.
You will then be taken to a menu from which you will be able to download the latest system update.
2. Make a habit of shutting your system down completely at least every 2-3 days. If your computer has been turned on for days without shutting down, it can lead to a higher risk of system crashes, CPU overload, and overheating. Also, some of the system updates will only be performed if you choose to shut your PC down. To do that, simply click on Start > Shut Down.
3. Declutter your drive. Windows 10 users can free up space on their drive using two different methods. Here is the first: go to Start > type "Disk Cleanup" and open it.
From this menu, you will be able to pick the type of files you want removed from your system.
Alternatively, you can free up some additional space by searching for and accessing Storage Settings via Windows 10 Start.
Here you will be able to see your system's files divided into different categories with an option to remove these files once you click on the categories available. In this menu, you can also turn Storage Sense on. With this feature switched on, your system will automatically remove unneeded files without you having to do this yourself.
Maintaining Your System With Outbyte PC Repair
PC optimization tools like Outbyte PC Repair have a range of different features that can help users maintain their system with almost no effort involved. This allows users to save time and stay focused on more enjoyable activities instead of spending time searching for solutions to their issues and trying to fix them on their own.
Here is how Outbyte PC Repair can take care of maintenance tasks and keep your system clean, efficient, fast and safe.
Outbyte PC Repair Scan
The scan is one of the major PC Repair features as it looks into your system and provides an analysis of its performance. It also finds whatever issues it might have and has an option to fix everything in one click.
For user convenience, the scan results are divided into several major categories, such as items affecting your system's performance, app crashes, disk space, objectionable websites, the safety of your passwords, etc. If you want to find out more details about the issues detected, you can click on the corresponding section in the menu, and Outbyte PC Repair will show you all the items it identified.
For instance, the Outbyte app can determine whether websites a user has visited in the past are dangerous or malicious based on the Web of Trust rating system. Such websites can be found in the "Objectionable Websites" section.
The software will also separate them into different categories such as phishing, malware, etc., based on the type of threat they might be exposing their visitors to.
Resolving the issues
To start the repair and resolve detected issues, just click on Activate & Repair or Start Repair (if you already activated the program), and Outbyte PC Repair will start fixing these, be it your disk cleanup, privacy-related items or tweaking performance settings. You also have an option to manually resolve specific issues according to your needs and preferences.
Scanning your PC and fixing malfunctions is one of the central elements of effectively maintaining the system. This helps to make sure there are no problems that may interfere with your computer's optimal performance.
Outbyte PC Repair Essential Maintenance Tools: Privacy, Speed, Uninstaller
The Outbyte program is equipped with Power Tools that are aimed at providing users with additional features to maintain their system. Below, we will have a look at three of these tools and see how they can help.
1. Privacy Tool
Securing your privacy is one of the most important aspects of computer maintenance. If your system is well-secured, it will have a lower risk of being accessed by third parties who could steal your data or simply infect your PC with malware.
The Privacy tool is designed to add an extra layer of protection to your personal data and has the following options:
Prevents Windows services from collecting data related to your device.
Removes tracking cookies from your browser and erases its history.
Enables file shredder that helps permanently remove unwanted files from your computer.
Enables safe web search and provides warnings every time you visit a website that could be potentially harmful to your system.
2. Speed Power Tool
A lagging computer can strongly affect your user experience and make your usual tasks take more time to accomplish. To help your device run a little smoother, Outbyte PC Repair can tweak some of its settings and redirect its CPU with the help of the Speed tool. Its functionality includes:
Prioritizing work-related programs such as MS Office, Outlook and Skype.
Prioritizing and directing system resources to your preferred internet browser for a smoother browsing experience.
Prioritizing computer games so that you can enjoy better performance when gaming.
3. Uninstaller
Unused and unneeded apps can be problematic for two reasons: firstly, they take up valuable space on your drive, and secondly, they might consume your system's resources in the background causing slower overall performance. The Outbyte PC Repair Uninstaller allows you to do the following:
Detect all of the apps installed on your PC. At times, the default Windows uninstaller may miss some of the installed programs - by using Outbyte, you increase your chances of identifying them.
Uninstall the apps you want to get rid of.
Detect any files that may remain after uninstalling certain apps and remove them as well, making the uninstallation complete.
Have doubts whether Outbyte PC Repair is safe?
The program's interface and website contain confirmation that the app has been tested by Windows and is verified as legit. The tool is designed to work with third-party and native Windows security apps, so it won't cause any conflict with your main antivirus.
Final remarks
There are two major ways to maintain your PC: you can either do the necessary tweaks yourself or let computer repairs technician to do it for you. Advanced users may find it simple to perform system maintenance themselves while not-tech savvy persons can find using PC optimizers like Outbyte PC Repair easier and not so time-consuming. Another way of going about it is taking the best from both methods and combining them so that you have the maximum degree of control over your device's performance.
Another feature worth attention in Outbyte is live tech support available 24/7 via chat or phone.
Remote Live-Assist support is free for the first two weeks of your subscription and offers full technical service for PC issues provided by tech specialists in real time. And, of course, you can always take the best from both methods and combine them so that you have the maximum degree of control over your device's performance.
With the tips described in this guide, you can be sure your computer will be properly maintained and will provide you with a quality user experience for a long time to come.