Google Fixes Stalkerware-Categorized Apps and Allows Children Monitoring But Not Partner-Tracking

You might have noticed that some of Google's apps can be used as "stalkerware," as stated in its Play Store policy. However, the company clarified that it was just an error.

Google's correction for its policy comes during a broader campaign to prevent stalkerware. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) explained that these apps are usually marketed to suspicious partners, allowing them to spy on their spouses.

The apps are also designed to fool the users, making them believe they're not being spied on. EFF added that the surveillance apps could give way to gender-based and domestic violence, as well as sexual abuse and harassment.

Google also updated its misrepresentation and gambling apps' policies, stating that coordinated action that hides an app or content's origin violates its policies. You can check the full update version by visiting

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Written by: Giuliano de Leon.

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