QAnon Believers Spread Debunked Conspiracies On the Internet Once Again

Have you ever heard of QAnon conspiracy theories? Guess what? The QAnon community is once again spreading proofless conspiracies in the mainstream media that fool Americans.

The conspiracy serves as the foundation of some people's beliefs regarding business, entertainment, or government.


Qanon believers also suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic was a Chinese bioweapon or was designed by Democrats to derail Trump's reelection chances. Another theory about COVID-19 states that Bill Gates and his foundation planned the pandemic.


This one came out during the 2016 presidential election. It claims that Wikileaks' emails revealed that Democrats connected to Hillary Clinton had been organizing child exploitation in a pizzeria's basement in Washington, D.C.

Signal decoding

QAnon began with an anonymous person under the name "Q Clearance Patriot," who claims to be a high-ranking intelligence officer with access to insidious secrets.

The mysterious person is popularly known as "Q," who continues to publish posts with language that followers attempt to decode.

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This article is owned by TechTimes,

Written by: Giuliano de Leon.

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