One of Germany's iconic automobile manufacturers, Volkswagen, and its CEO, Hebert Deiss, recently posted a video on LinkedIn that shows what had transpired in Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk's secret and late-night visit in the known airport facility of VW.
On Elon Musk's last day on his esteemed trip to Germany, the Tesla CEO went by the Braunschweig Airport instead of going directly home to meet with Volkswagen and have a 'courtesy' visit that was kept off the books. VW officials confirmed the not-so-secret side trip, proving that Elon Musk indeed went by the site.
Hebert Deiss via LinkedIn Screenshot
The secret side trip resurfaced news and speculations again after Volkswagen's CEO, Deiss, posted a video on LinkedIn showing the Tesla CEO's ride and adventure on the all-new VW ID.3, a compact hatch electric car mainly marketed in the European market.
The CEO's LinkedIn post stated, "We are ready for take off!" suggesting that the company was waiting for Elon Musk's approval before launching the new Volkswagen electric car. The video only showed Musk's montage and cutscenes driving the vehicle and stating his opinion on the ride.
Hebert Deiss further stated his gratitude for Elon Musk's visit and test drive in a comment, saying that Deiss had a great time driving with the Tesla CEO aboard the VW ID.3.
Deiss further said that Musk was very critical of the vehicle's torque and performance, then suggesting that for that reason, Musk should try the electric sports car, Porsche Taycan Turbo S.
Elon Musk's journey to the Volkswagen facility started at 9:44 pm, which is an unusual late-night visit for any formal meeting. This suggests that both CEOs have a tight bond making the visit more of a friendly meet than a courtesy visit.
Elon Musk took the Volkswagen ID.3, a compact hatch electric car, for a spin around the runway during a rainy night with Hebert Deiss aboard it. Both CEOs chatted inside the vehicle and talked about the technical specifications of the ID.3, where Deiss even asks the feel when driving the car.
The Tesla CEO commented that "I think for a non-sporty car its pretty good."
Musk then continues to ask the car's battery size and other functionalities such as the lane following function known to be equipped in Tesla vehicles.
Volkswagen CEO clarifies Tesla-VW Collaboration
Hebert Deiss via LinkedIn Screenshot
The video is speculated to be looking like an advertorial or marketing stunt from Volkswagen that makes Elon Musk the subject and model of the ID.3. This suggestion is also taken from the VW CEO's caption, saying that it was waiting for Musk all-along before releasing the product.
However, this video is edited for Elon Musk's souvenir from the company, with Deiss saying, "Hope you like the video."
Hebert Deiss then continues to post another comment that clarifies Elon Musk's secret side visit's speculation is a gateway to a collaboration between Tesla and Volkswagen. The VW CEO said: "Just to be clear: We just drove the ID.3 and had a chat - there is no deal/cooperation in the making."
Deiss' statement shuts off all fans' speculations and aspirations in seeing a Tesla-VW electric sports car in the making.