Wearing face masks with reading glasses is now worry-free-thanks to The University of Wisconsin and YouTube's Lennon Rodgers, who posted a do-it-yourself (DIY) hack in his channel that demonstrates the step-by-step procedure for people to create their own 'Badger Seals.' The university's innovation will help prevent hot steam from human breath exiting the mask and fogging-up lenses in the process.
Many people who wear reading and shaded glasses, together with the required face masks, who stroll around the streets and public areas, are bothered by the fog that it causes to the lenses. This fog is bothersome as it requires users to remove and clean the glasses to clear-up vision.
The American Academy of Opthalmology (AAO) recognizes this dilemma for people who wear prescription glasses because this is considered to be a potential danger when walking, driving, and other essential actions are visually impaired due to the lenses' fog.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering releases a report on the "mask fitters" that prevent people from fogging up their glasses. The university referred to this as the "Badger Seal" and shared the step-by-step procedure on various Open Document sources in Google Slides and PDFs.
David Rothamer and Scott Sanders spearheaded this design for the public to use and create on their own. The researchers and engineers even provided 3D images available for 3D printing for ease of creation.
Badger SealUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering
The Badger Seal is a soft and flexible mask fitter frame that locks the mask in place, significantly improving the cover's seal in a person's face. The currently available face masks are fitted for the general public and do not cater to specific facial shapes.
This leaves some people to have some gaps for air to enter and escape, thus defeating the purpose of protection against viruses, prominently, the Novel coronavirus, or COVID-19.
The University of Wisconsin promises that this design will enhance a 3-layer face mask's protection more effectively. Badger Seals can also be manufactured cheaply and easily by people who have no experience creating various designs.
Badger Seals' Materials
Here is a rundown of the components needed to create a DIY Badger Seal right at your home's comforts.
Scissors (or micro cutters or snips preferably)
Paper Clip (to push the cord through the lock)
Foam Wire (atleast 6" long)
Elastic Cord (atleast 30" long)
PVC Tubing (atleast 2.25" long, 0.17 ID, 0.25 OD)
Cord Lock
Badger Seals Procedure
The researchers, along with Lennon Rodgers, created instructional videos that demonstrate the Badger Seals' creation and function. There are three types of seals (A, B, and C) to choose from according to your preference and material availability.
The three types of Badger Seals offer the same design of frames but are intended for different face sizes and materials. Type A is designed for the average facial size with the tie-on design, Type B is intended for those with slightly bigger face size (those with beards), and Type C is intended for those who will utilize earloops for easier installation.