A new artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm can now predict Earth's crust changes two to three months before a possible earthquake occurs.
Earthquake M4.6 - Java, Indonesia - Mon, 31 Aug 2020 01:28 GMT 07:00 pic.twitter.com/VdqhMsUCk8 — ꦨꦪꦸ ꦫꦃꦩꦮꦤ꧀ (@bayurhmwn) August 30, 2020
The scientists' main goal is to produce an algorithm that has an ability to identify recurrent phenomena that could lead to a significant earth's crust's vibration. Before it was used to observe signs of slow earthquakes under Vancouver Island in Canada, artificial earthquakes were used to improve the machine.
Slow temblors, which can last for a period of weeks or even months, have some characteristics similar to devastating fast earthquakes. Since they are slow, seismic waves are hardly generated, leading to less damage caused.
These slow earthquakes allow scientists to analyze them easier since they occur over a long period. The researchers were able to identify a list of earthquakes' behavior before they happen. They noted that one of the characteristics shows an exponential increase in seismic energy before the quake.
These vibrations could be detected three months before a slow earthquake is usually identified, suggesting earthquakes could also be predicted before they occur.
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Written by: Giuliano de Leon.