North American Dental Group (NADG) strongly disagrees with the World Health Order's recent recommendation of delaying oral care routine and non-essential dentistry-related concerns because of the practice's potential to contract the Novel coronavirus or COVID-19.
Just last week, United Nation's specialized agency for international public health, World Health Order, released a recommendation stating that oral health care routine should be delayed during this pandemic, as reported by Voice of America.
However, a press release published by the North American Dental Group says otherwise and disagrees with WHO's recommendations.
"Dentists across the country have been treating patients for months. There is no evidence that routine dental care has contributed to the spread of this virus," NADG co-founder and chief medical officer, Dr. Andrew Matta, said.
Dr. Matta and dentists worldwide agree that dental health significantly impacts the overall well-being of a person. Oral care is as critical as any other concern, for they are detrimental to a person's health.
"Routine care is often preventive care, and it is extremely important in helping to avoid oral infections and
diseases, which could impact a person's quality of life," he added.
The organization also says that this pandemic is an eye-opener that proves dentistry as essential health care that people must consider and keep.
Dentists and NADG's efforts in stemming the spread of COVID-19
Dr. Matta reiterated that ever since the pandemic began, dentists have been gearing up and preparing to accommodate patients and prevent the spread of the virus.
Dentists who are part of the NADG network are putting their efforts into building a safe environment in their respective clinics. Personal-protective equipment is worn by staff and thorough sanitation of different rooms that patients and personnel go to. This is said to help in minimizing the risk of transmitting COVID-19.
NADG stated that the dentistry practice had made efforts in implementing additional safety protocols that will help in stemming the spread of COVID-19. Dentists are also concerned about the comfortability and safety of their patients whenever they visit the clinic for essential and non-essential reasons.
Dr. Matta further assures people that there should be no worries when visiting oral care professionals, stating that it is safe to visit the dentist. He also added that the dental industry will make sure that patients will have the option to seek out oral care whenever they need it.
What Dentistry looks like in COVID-19 pandemic era
A report from USA Today explores a dental clinic based on Bellmore, New York, headed by Dr. Scott Asnis. They describe the clinic to have changed a lot since their last visit in February and have adhered to preventing the further spread of COVID-19.
Upon checking in with the receptionist separated by a plastic barrier, people will be asked to wait in their respective cars until the supposed appointment. When called back, there is a face mask requirement and routine temperature check. Patients are also asked to wash their hands thoroughly and gargle with peroxide solution to kill bacteria inside the mouth.
Usage of usual dental tools and dental aerosols for cleaning patient's teeth will no longer be used. Doctors and dental technicians are required to wear full-body personal protective equipment or PPE.
Dr. Asnis upholds dental clinics and offices as one of the "safest" environments to go to during this pandemic.