The Sun, the center of the solar system, is showing weird behavior lately, scientists claimed. According to The Independent's latest report, the researchers discovered an unexplained phenomenon--they had been studying the Sun's solar minimum.
Basically, yes. They're what we call 'coronal streamers'. They relate to the Sun's overall magnetic field. At solar minimum, the magnetic field is very 'simple', so we mostly see equatorial streamers. At solar max, the mag field is very 'complex' so we see them everywhere. — Karl Battams (@SungrazerComets) March 24, 2020
A few research was conducted regarding the Sun's activity during its quieter moments since they believed that solar minimum was passive. Instead, scientists and other researchers focused on studying when the next active solar minimum would happen and how much impact it would cause.Researchers previously thought that the Sun's solar minimum happens every 11 years. However, their belief was changed because of the weird phenomenon.
"Solar activity cycles do not always last exactly 11 years, either," said one of the study's researchers, Merja Tornikoski."A new activity period will not be identified until it is already ongoing," added Merja.
The scientists were confused by the sudden change of the Sun's surface since each of the last solar minimums have also been weaker than the previous one. Solar Physics will soon publish the study's findings, which is considered the first one where astronomers and other scientists have been systematically studying the solar minimums.
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Written by: Giuliano de Leon.