Cybersecurity: Here's How to Improve Your Privacy in Your Browser of Choice

Tech companies, especially internet giants and browser makers, are prioritizing their customer's privacy. Privacy is now the public's main concern these days, especially as there have been several issues in the past wherein data of thousands of people were either leaked or stolen or even sold on the Dark Web.

Improve Your Privacy

To build the trust of their clients, companies, such as Google, are trying to improve the security they could provide. Nowadays, people are also more careful with the products they choose and would often go for a browser that they believe is most secure.

Nevertheless, it seems like what they do will not prevent invasive ads from getting your information or tracking your movement online, according to a CNET report.

The ultimate goal is to gather as much information from your activities online to create the perfect client profile that would allow these companies to offer a more accurate ad that will bring them more profit.

There are different ways to ensure your privacy online, such as changing your default search engine to something that wouldn't track your searches.

You can also disable your browser's location tracking, and the autocomplete features, along with password autofill. But best of all, you should make it a habit to delete your browsing history or even use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that hides your location.

With that, here are more ways to improve your privacy online, based on the browser you are using:


Google Chrome is the world's most popular web browser, but it's also the least private when all things are considered. But fortunately, third-party developers were able to create extensions that could help with your privacy.

With that, you can check the available Extensions, such as Privacy Badger or Cookie AutoDelete.

You can also remove these extensions if you're not comfortable with using them.


Microsoft's web browser, Edge, has some simple tools you should use for your privacy online, such as its tracker blocking option on the Tracker prevention screen.

To go there, open your Edge browser and click on the three-dot menu on the upper right corner for the Settings, then select Privacy and services. You can choose from Basic, Balanced, and Strict, but by default, Edge will choose Balanced, which will block trackers from websites you haven't visited but will avoid loading problems that often come with tighter security.


Safari has a default Intelligent Tracking Prevention tool so users can feel more protected, but apparently, it's not foolproof.

With this tool, you'll be notified of the ad trackers on a website that you're visiting and will also give you a 30-day report of the trackers it has identified, along with where the trackers came from.

To check whether it's open or turn it on, open your web browser, click Preferences, then Privacy. Check the box beside the Prevent cross-site tracking. You should also delete your cookies while you're there.


Brave is perhaps one of the best browsers for people who are paranoid about their privacy.

By default, this browser blocks third-party cookies, trackers, ads, and third-party fingerprinters, all the while preventing slow loading. They also have a built-in VPN for iOS users and the heavy-duty Tor private browsing mode.

Open your Brave browser's main menu, then select Preferences > Settings > Shields and then choose the Advanced view so you can check what type of trackers you can block. You can also fine-tune your security by choosing Additional Settings then Privacy and security.


Firefox is a great choice as it has more privacy settings than Edge and Chrome--and even more under the hood.

Open the main menu of your Firefox browser, then choose Preferences and then Privacy & Security, where you can choose from Standard, Strict, and Custom. By default, Standard mode is one, but you can choose the Strict option, although it could break some websites.

You can customize everything via the Custom setting and click on Reload All Tabs to save your new tracking setting.

This article is owned by TechTimes.

Written by: Nhx Tingson

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