A Pokemon fan calculated how many Pokemon Home accounts needed to hold a Pokemon fan calculated all Spinda variations. Surprisingly, the fan succeeded!
According to Game Rant's latest report, was the fan was able to identify how many Pokemon Home subscriptions will be needed to store all of the Gen-3 normal-type Pokemon Spinda.
Go home spinda, your drunk. #pokemongo #pokemon #android #iphone #ios #spinda #arplus https://t.co/OZZfIDbwHy pic.twitter.com/gHmZdm50l3 — PKMNTrainer JhakxPyro (@jhakxpyro) October 7, 2018
He also explained that if the user is using a premium account, which costs $18.47, the player will have to pay $13,222,937 every year to hold all the Spindas. However, the Reddit user didn't recommend doing this because it is too expensive, and it is impossible to encounter all the Spindas without any duplicates.
"Since a premium Pokémon Home account costs £14.39 a year, it would cost £10,300,764.92 a year to maintain all of these accounts," wrote ZoroeArc.
"I don't recommend attempting this, not only for financial reasons but also because it is unlikely that every possible Spinda has ever actually been encountered," he added.
You can check his post by visiting his Reddit account "u/ZoroeArc." The report also stated that Niantic recognized how ridiculous it is to have so many Spinda, which is why they only released eight variants in its AR mobile game Pokemon GO in 2018.
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