Coronavirus pandemic may stick with us for a very long time as experts claimed that a vaccine is not enough to end the spreading of this unprecedented virus.s SCMP explained that as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread into the second half of the year, the future remained unclear. In the past week, more than 1 million new cases were reported across the globe.
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"We all hope that there will be a vaccine, but it should not stop what we are trying to do today - and what are we trying to do today?" said Heymann.
Since emerging diseases and viruses have different pathways, developing an efficient long-term solution would depend on how the viral virus behaves, explained Heymann.
To prevent the increasing death rates of COVID-19 and control the number of cases in the hospitals, many countries are implementing such measures.
"No matter where a country is in its epidemic curve, it is never too late to take decisive action," said Heymann. The report stated that most of the coronavirus cases were in America; however, the viral virus is also spreading across India's second-most populous country.
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