Nuclear radiation detected roaming over Europe was has mysteriously spiked, experts claimed. The radioactivity increase was seen in the northern part of Europe. According to The Sun's latest report, readings of an increase in human-made radionuclide particles in the atmosphere were revealed by several European authorities; the radiation was claimed to be harmless to humans as experts.
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It is currently impossible to confirm the source of the increased levels of radioactivity, said the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority on Tuesday, June 23. The report also stated that the origin of the clouds, which contained the radioactive isotopes that have allegedly been blowing across the skies of northern Europe, is still unknown. There are also no speculations provided by its Norwegian and Finnish counterparts about the potential source.
The Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation, Lassina Zerbo, posted a tweet that shows a map revealing what he described as "the potential source region." It was revealed that the possible source of the nuclear radiation spike could be in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, or Russia. But, the map showed that the largest part of the selected zone was on the continent of Russia.
22 /23 June 2020, RN #IMS station SEP63 #Sweden detected 3isotopes; Cs-134, Cs-137 & Ru-103 associated w/Nuclear fission @ higher[ ] than usual levels (but not harmful for human health). The possible source region in the 72h preceding detection is shown in orange on the map. — Lassina Zerbo (@SinaZerbo) June 26, 2020
"These isotopes are most likely from a civil source," said Zerbo in another tweet.
These isotopes are most likely from a civil source. We are able to indicate the likely region of the source, but it’s outside the CTBTO’s mandate to identify the exact origin. — Lassina Zerbo (@SinaZerbo) June 26, 2020
"We can indicate the likely region of the source, but it's outside the CTBTO's mandate to identify the exact origin," he added.
The data clarified that the sudden increase of the roaming nuclear radiation is not from nuclear weapons, but it can be related to something like a nuclear power plant. The AP stated that a damaged nuclear fuel element can be the cause of the radioactive spike.
A spokesperson for the Russian nuclear power station operations subsidiary, Rosenergoatom, disputed that Russia is the one to be blamed for the nuclear radiation spike. It was confirmed the two nuclear power plants of Russia are working properly and normally.
"Both stations are working in normal regime," said the Rosenergoatom.
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