If a protester gets into an unwanted encounter with the police authorities, they can easily report this with their iPhones. At least, this is the new feature being introduced on Apple's Siri wherein individuals can report saying, "Hey Siri, I'm Getting Pulled Over."
A bunch of people and news outlets are passing around an old version of my ‘Getting Pulled Over’ Shortcut.
Current version is here:https://t.co/P3rKxJKNKm
Current versions will always be posted at:https://t.co/gFrOSdBV6W#Siri #Police #Shortcuts — Robert Petersen (@Sonikku_a2) June 16, 2020
Tech personality Robert Petersen recently tweeted a link to the updated version of the shortcut, as well as the thread on Reddit, where the current links are posted.
Once this Shortcut app is activated on the iPhone, the feature will get downloaded accordingly. Otherwise, users will have to follow certain steps and choose "Allow Untrusted Shortcuts" with these settings.
How to use the Shortcut
Once this is now on the iPhone, users can report "Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over" which will then automatically pause music playing on the device, dim the brightness and enable the "Do not disturb" function.
Then, the message will reach the contact designated, and video will automatically begin to record. Be sure that you capture the scene during the enabling of the video, since when it stops recording, it will be sent to the contact.
Media website Hypebeast indicated, "The shortcut has recently gained steam as ongoing protests surrounding police brutality toward Black people and the larger Black Lives Matter movement continues to make headlines and force change in unprecedented waves."
Writer Nia Groce added, "Users like @Niycold have taken to Twitter and other social media platforms to express their surprise and support at the app's circulation during this time, adding to others like @mondobytes who shared information about the shortcut in 2018 when it was first created."
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Insights from Petersen
For Petersen, he believes it is a "good idea to empower the individual citizen to have a record over what happens during a stop to remove any 'he said/she said' scenarios."
He added that he honestly does not think the idea would be popular, but then the response has been very positive and "more than a bit overwhelming."
Though this feature is concentrated on iPhone devices, there are also apps such as the "Stop and Frisk Watch" on Android that seem to be doing the same.
Protest updates
What is the latest about the protests? The protests have reached beyond the U.S. shores with demonstrations being held in various parts of the European continent.
In Brisbane, ABC reported how native protest leaders had secured talks with Queensland police commissioners after taking on the area's business district, demanding on ending Black deaths in custody.
One of them reached out to the activities after arresting key campaigner for Aboriginal rights, Wayne Wharton, and another man sending tensions high made the news.
Groups here marched along with Roma Street watch house and were greeted by the police. The call to end racial injustice continues in the United States and around the world. Stay updated on the news with Tech Times.