WATCH! Fortnite Winner Sekosoma Gets Caught Teaming! 14-Day Ban And Lost $15,000 As Penalty

Fortnite's champion caught cheating throughout the tournament, Sekosoma no longer has the prize money.

Sekosoma Caught Cheating in Fortnite Tournament

The winner of the Asian leg of the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) has been suspended from playing the game, and the prize money was stripped off right after he was caught "teaming." FNCS does not allow two teams or players to cooperate during competitive play. The player from Japan lost $15,000 worth of winnings and will also serve a 14-day suspension due to the violation. Dexerto reported all about what went down with the "teaming" during the championship game. What the two players did was one would be looting health packs and other essential items, then leaving them all in spots where later on, Sekosoma would be able to pick them up without much effort of finding it himself. Other times his co-conspirator would be kill-feeding Sekosoma to give him an elimination point and not to mention all the loot he acquired from the player.

After just a few hours of the "victory," Sekosama has won; he was then stripped of the title, and subsequently, cr qjappy who got second place was dubbed the winner of the tournament, and the title and prize pool goes to him.

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How Was Sekosoma Caught Cheating

There were several clips of the tournament game that was uploaded to Twitter, and since it was shown live for everyone to see, players were able to record as well as capture the moments for their memories. Some, however, were able to see just how "teaming" worked and how well it worked.

Sekosoma was able to finish first with 205 points, while cr qjappy (now dubbed the champion) trailed behind with 198 points. The clips from Twitter were significant evidence of the "teaming" of Sekosoma and his friend. There were also reports that the two players were on call while the game was playing to coordinate their plan properly.

A player was able to catch the two using comms during mid-game, which was not allowed. The tournament lasted for 12 matches, and they have been doing the same strategy until the end of the event in which Sekosoma had a considerable lead due to his friend's "help."

The Japanese player was quick to deny all allegations despite considerable evidence and said that he was "unaware of the teaming" and won because of his "own ability." Other members of the Fortnite community have said that they only heard him using comms with the other players while out of the game, but not in-game.

Despite other players stepping up to defend Sekosoma, Epic dished out the banhammer as the evidence piled up, other players who had been teaming have already been banned between 30 to 60 days.

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