NASA Scientists Might Have Found a Parallel Universe 'Next to Ours' After an Antarctica Experiment

One of the biggest debates is whether the theory of a parallel universe or multiverses is real with some people, including some experts, who believe it exists and the other group in disagreement.

Although it remains a mystery, it's a popular concept in films and TV series. Nevertheless, it may not be fiction anymore as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists themselves have found possible evidence of a parallel universe next to our own.


In a report by the Daily Star, a cosmic ray detection experiment conducted by several NASA scientists found particles that might be from outside our own universe.

The group of experts was working with NASA's Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA). They used a giant balloon to haul the device high above Antarctica, where there is cold, dry air, which provides the excellent condition to use it as there is little to no radio noise that could distort its findings.

ANITA is an instrument that detects ultra-high energy cosmic-ray neutrinos.

These high-energy particles are a million times more powerful than anything we can create here on Earth, and these neutrinos have become a great interest to astrophysicists as they are the only ones that can reach Earth unattenuated.

Finding Possible Evidence of a Parallel Universe

According to the news outlet, low-energy neutrinos can pass by our planet with no problem, barely interacting with anything.

Nevertheless, high-energy particles will be stopped by our planet's solid matter, which is why these high-energy particles are detected coming "down" from space.

However, the team's ANITA detected a tau neutrino or a heavier particle coming from "up" out of the Earth in 2016, which means that these particles are traveling back in time and could be evidence of a parallel universe.

The bizarre phenomenon was reported by the NASA scientists, led by Peter Gorham, an experimental particle physicist from the University of Hawaii, as well as the principal investigator of the ANITA.

Even the discovery of the tau neutrino happened by accident, as Gorham and his team decided to investigate signals that have been dismissed as noise in the first two flights of the device, as noted by New Scientist.

The Only Explanation

In an attempt to explain the strange happening, Gorham suggests that the particle changed into a different type before it passed through the Earth and then back again, which is the only way it could happen, but "not everyone was comfortable with the hypothesis."

It's extremely rare that it might only happen once, but the team has witnessed this phenomenon happen several times.

With that, the simplest and the most scientifically elegant explanation is linked to the parallel universe, wherein when the Big Bang happened, two universes were formed and that the other world runs in reverse.

In this mirror world, time runs backward.

Nevertheless, it's still a possibility that the results came from a bizarre error the ANITA made, but if it's not, it may finally prove the existence of parallel universes.

"We're left with the most exciting or most boring possibilities," said Ibrahim Safa, who also works on the experiment.

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