Coronavirus Game That Has Hidden Anti-China Messages Now Banned in China

Today, another game on Steam has been blocked from playing in China. The game features a Coronavirus-inspired directive on which players need to stop "selfish zombies" from escaping a country that has been infected with the virus. Interestingly, the zombie game seemed to be an intentional anti-China game as it featured the Chinese flag on the game's graphics. Unsurprisingly, it is now banned in China.

This game is now banned from China after developers did this

Coronavirus Game That Has Hidden Anti-China Messages Gets Banned From China
Coronavirus Game That Has Hidden Anti-China Messages Gets Banned From China Steam

As the BBC reported, a zombie game inspired by today's Coronavirus disease is now banned from Chinese markets. This was after the game had been seen with politically-motivated messages that are directed against the government of China.

Coronavirus Attack, a zombie game now available on Steam, created by game developers MythZsGame has recently received negative feedback from its players. The game's objective is simple. In order to win the game, players have to stop all the running "selfish zombies" in escaping the country that they first get infected.

"A selfish-zombie virus has infected throughout the country. The virus carriers are attempting to flee the country. Your purpose is to prevent the selfish zombie virus carriers from escaping and infecting the world," written on its game description. "By shooting your virus you can infect and replicate your DNA in the selfish zombie carriers. With enough DNA can make you evolve new traits. Traits like spread more further, more rapidly more deadly, more enormous, and more..."

If you happen to see the graphics of the game, you will see the uncanny resemblance of its graphics to the Chinese flag and even the Asian facial features from the said "selfish zombies."

Not only that, the game obviously uses Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten's controversial Chinese virus flag as its inspiration. Back then, the said the controversial flag was already criticized by the local Chinese embassy saying it was "an insult to China," prompting Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen to respond that freedom of speech also includes cartoons.

What the game developer has to say

Coronavirus Game That Has Hidden Anti-China Messages Gets Banned From China
Coronavirus Game That Has Hidden Anti-China Messages Gets Banned From China Steam

MythZsGame, surprisingly, admitted the said allegations of China when it comes to the anti-government messages on the game.

The developer of the game that was unidentified told reports that the Coronavirus Attack is actually meant as a protest game against China-- just like what's expected. Not only that, but the said "selfish zombies" were also an insult to the Wuhan residents that first got the disease but chose to leave the province before lockdown.

The creator said that they were unhappy with how China dealt with the health danger of Coronavirus when it was still in its early phase--giving the inspiration to create the game.

Not the first time

Though its surprising, China's banning of politically-motivated games on Steam is no longer new.

A popular plagued-themed game called Plague Inc. was also blacklisted in the Chinese markets in March when the virus was still in its earliest stages.

Now, the virus is getting worse than ever.

ALSO READ: Chinese Lab Coronavirus Theory: Virus Intentionally Created But Accidentally Released Says Report

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