"A Fold Apart" is a game that can help individuals with anxiety calm down by solving puzzles. In a report by The Verge, they spoke about storytelling gameplay which is a type of narrative in games that happens through problem-solving and interacting instead of going through the typical setup of texts and visuals. This type of gameplay can help individuals direct their attention to something else.
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For example, the game called "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons" achieves the metaphor of gameplay by having the player control two brothers to solve puzzles. Each of the characters is represented by separate sides of the controller.
When one of the characters is not around, the individual playing the game will not only feel the loss, but he or she will also have difficulty in the gameplay since half of the controller is effectively lost.
According to the report, the game "A Fold Apart" incorporates puzzle solving as a metaphor for the two main characters working through their anxieties in their relationship. The game will focus on "Red" and "Blue." Red is a teacher and Blue is an architect.
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'A Fold Apart' can help people cope with their anxiety: Here are the things you need to know about the puzzle-solving game!
According to The Verge, the game's puzzles require players to control one of the characters across various platforms to an endpoint. However, the characters can only walk so players need to fold the level for them to bridge the gap.
The game can be compared to a piece of paper. Just like a piece of paper, the game will have two sides with each having platforms that need to be folded to allow the characters to walk towards the end and get to the next level.
Another fascinating feature of the game is how the characters work together to help tell the story. The characters will go through different messages in each set of the puzzle, which is usually five. It will get harder as the game progresses over the first few puzzles and as their anxiety grows.
However, the last few levels will get easier as "Red" and "Blue" work through things by realizing the message is not exactly the way it was intended to be.
The report said that the game focuses on the lack of communication that the characters are facing. Although they agreed to mutually endure the separation, not voicing out their issues with each other made things more complicated since it gave way for their imaginations and anxiety to go wild.
The message of the game is conveyed in the actual title of the game. The game isn't just about solving the puzzles, but it also shows the anxieties experienced in a long-distance relationship, which grows because of a lack of communication.
The game was created by Lightnin Rod Games and is now available on Nintendo Switch and Steam for $19.99.