Turning Cremated Remains into Diamonds - How It's Done?

Turning Cremated Remains into Diamonds - How It's Done?
Turning Cremated Remains into Diamonds - How It's Done?

Unfortunately, we've all lost someone we loved at some point in our lives. Whether we've lost a pet or a loved one, knowing that you'll never see them again is a harrowing experience. But, what if we could keep a part of them with us all the time in the form of a beautiful diamond?

Over the last decade, cremation has become an increasingly popular option that follows the death of a loved one. But that leaves those who are bereaved wondering what to do with the cremated remains. So, why not turn them into a unique tribute gift in the memory of those whom we've lost?

Instead of keeping a loved one's cremated remains in an urn or sprinkling them in different places, more and more people are doing something more fascinating: turning the cremated remains into diamonds. It's not only comforting for them to know that their loved ones are still by, but they'll also get to wear a unique piece of jewellery.

Now, you may wonder how it is possible to turn ashes into diamonds. And, we've got the answer: After oxygen, carbon is the second most plentiful atomic element found in the human body. And, memorial diamonds are made of crystallized carbon.

Turning ashes into diamonds, explained

The idea of turning a loved one's ashes into precious jewellery after their death is simply astonishing and exciting. But let's see how this miraculous transformation takes place and the process of making these diamonds:

As you may imagine, the process of creating a diamond out of human remains is by means no simple. There are several steps that involve care, thought, and precision to create memorial diamonds.

It all begins with cremation, a process that typically leaves behind about 5 to 10 pounds of ashes (about 2, 20 kg to 4, 50 kg), from which, a small portion is represented by carbon. Now, there are different styles of cremation which differ from culture to culture. Why is this relevant? Because, for example, some creation styles use hotter temperatures, which allows more carbon to escape into the air as carbon dioxide. Obviously, this means that experts may need a more substantial amount of ashes to create a diamond out of it. On the flip note, low-temperature cremation ensures that a larger amount of carbon remains in the cremated human remains.

As the experts from Heart in Diamond explain, the base of all diamonds, whether natural or manmade, is carbon. Therefore, after cremation, the experts isolate the carbon from the rest of the ashes to obtain a powdery carbon graphite substance, which represents the starter material for diamonds. Next, this powdery substance is refined and filtered until its properties reach 99,9% carbon, and it is then treated with heat and pressure are applied, which causes the formation of a graphite structure.

Now, the most miraculous step of all is turning the graphite structure into a diamond. How do scientists do that? They use specific machines to reproduce the exact conditions that exist deep beneath the earth surface: exposing the carbon to temperatures of around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1370 degree Celsius) and exerting a pressure of about 850,000 pounds per square inch. The result? The diamond gradually begins to grow by turning from a crystalized carbon material to a raw diamond.

What does the raw diamond look like?

So, we've learned how scientists create diamonds out of human cremated remains. But what exactly are the results? How can human cremated remains become a shiny diamond pendant or a pair of earrings? Here's the answer:

It is essential to mention that the most fascinating thing about memorial diamonds is that each of them is unique. Each individual's ashes will be different meaning that the carbon extracted from the ashes will require a different mix of heat and pressure to turn into a diamond. So, the results are highly personalized, which is why no two memorial diamonds look alike.

Now, for the diamonds to reach the final design you can purchase and wear, after the diamond grows, scientists personalize the next steps. To be more precise, the diamond is left inside the environment created by the machines until it reaches the desired size to create jewellery out of it. The longer they leave the diamond there, the larger it becomes.

Next, once it reaches the desired size, it is then cleaned in an acid bath, which makes it ready to be cut and polished. Bereaved customers can choose from a variety of cuts, including emerald, radiant, or brilliant, or even decide to keep the diamond in its original rough form. After it is cut, the diamond is polished to make it sparkle.

As for the colours of the diamond, it is a matter of personal taste as well. Bereaved customers can choose to keep the diamond in their original colour, or they can choose to personalize the stone even more by selecting a particular colour. Next, depending on the final form you want for the diamond, you can purchase it in its rough diamond form, or have jewellery made out of it.

Natural diamond vs. human-made diamonds

There are apparent reasons for turning your dead loved one's ashes into diamonds, such as paying them a unique tribute and getting a beautiful piece of jewellery. Yet, there is also one more reason why these diamonds are worth-buying: they pose no harm to our environment.

To be more precise, natural diamonds are mined from deep under the earth, which poses a real danger to our planet, including soil erosion, deforestation, and ecosystem destruction.

On the flip note, human-made diamonds pose no danger to our environment. They are created in a lab, and they have the same brilliance and shine as natural ones.

To conclude, memorial diamonds are a truly remarkable way to carry your loved ones with you after they pass away. Using extreme heat and pressure to turn dead people's ashes, and sometimes animals, we can now get sparkling gems of all sizes, cuts, and colours that help us continue their stories.

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