Google Search Expands Its 3D View With Animals and Cars! Pose with a Ferrari?

Google Search will be offering new updates that will allow its users to take a view 3D animals, cars, and other objects using augmented reality (AR). While the basic feature launched last year featuring only animals, new updates will now include other more exciting objects.

Google 3D Image Update
Google Screenshot from Twitter Account of @Google

Google Search 3D image update will also have KIA and Ford in its list of images

In June 2019, Google Search launched its update for 3D images and artificial augmented reality (AR). With this feature, you can perform a search for certain animals and Google gives you the option to see them in 3D. Initially, the feature was only available for a certain number of animals. But after a recent update, these Google 3D animals became an instant hit among many users, especially kids.

Google 3D Image Update
Users enjoying Google 3D Animal Screenshot from Twitter post of @ozzyyetomi

There are videos posted online with users posing with their new animal friends, which just proves to Google about the growing potential of artificial reality-based objects. This, for example, can be used for various mobile applications that support AR or 3D images.

Since the new feature has become a success, Google is now planning to enhance the said update. According to a report by Digital Information World, the search enging will soon be adding cars and other objects to its list of 3D objects. Currently, Ford and KIA are the only cars that will be added to the viral feature. The update was made on the company's XML list, where Google is including the 2020 Ford Mustang and 2020 Kia Telluride model right at the top.

Digital Information World also added in their report that Google will also be partnering with other companies such as Samsung, New Balance, Target, Volvo, Visible Body, Wayfair, and even NASA to allow users to enjoy their products in 3D.

How helpful will this feature be?

Using the Google 3D Image feature is easy. On Google Search, type in the animal or object you want to view in 3D form. After that, you must merge the provided image with your surroundings with the help of augmented reality features on your phone or tablet.

These steps can be easily done since Google will ask if you want to view the selected animal or object, and also if you want to view it in your space. Google will also ask permission to access your photos and media gallery. Once approved, your animal or object of choice will show up on your screens with the proper sound effects.

Digital Information World stated also said in their report that Google's main goal for technology's evolution is for people to not only have fun with it, but also for them to use it in their work. This includes enabling the students, for example, to experience human anatomy in 3D in their homes, discover planetary models provided by NASA.

The additional images of cars and other animals might appear a bit different from their original look since those models will be sponsored. The update is also Google's way to give invite webmasters, developers, content producers, and SEOs to pay more attention to image search since this will not only help users to view their products in 3D, but also convert them into sometjhing they can interact with. Who knows what the next update will contain.

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