Testosterone is well-known as an essential male hormone that helps with muscle-building and enhancing overall performance. In its natural form, testosterone is freely available within the body and interacts with its muscle cells in order to facilitate muscle growth through protein synthesis.
There's no denying that there has been a considerable increase in the demand for testosterone boosters of late. It's to the point where the keywords "how to boost testosterone naturally" is one of the most searched phrases on Google.
What Are Testosterone Boosters?
As the name implies, testosterone boosters work to increase testosterone levels in the body. Most are natural supplements that are made from natural ingredients and others from unique formulations.
Testosterone boosters are particularly popular among men in the fitness industry, bodybuilders, competitive sportsmen, and athletes. However, most only start using it after noticing lower testosterone levels.
As such, testosterone supplements are highly popular among high-performance athletes because they're a legal alternative to anabolic steroids like stackers, pumpers, "juice", and gym candy, to name but a few.
Testosterone boosters have also been shown to improve sexual performance, in addition to increasing muscle mass and strength. Not only that, but herbal testosterone boosters have been in use for a very long time to improve stamina, endurance, and athletic performance.
What Are They Used For?
Testosterone boosters are great at improving your testosterone levels if they are low, or to keep them on an even keel through secondary hormone support. Many bodybuilding supplements stores have them for sale.
All told, these supplements are designed to mimic the benefits of maintaining healthy testosterone levels. This includes having increased libido, stronger muscles, improved muscle growth and faster recovery time.
What Happens When You Get High Testosterone?
Taking testosterone boosters in order to improve your levels and keep everything balanced is all good and well.
But, there is a point where consuming excess testosterone can actually cause certain effects on your body, but this also depends on your gender and your age. Most young adults won't experience an excess testosterone disorder so it's really hard to identify when someone has one.
On the other hand, excess testosterone in children can cause massive growth spurts and early puberty that shows up as accelerated growth. Excess testosterone can later lead to infertility and promiscuous behavior in young girls.
Benefits of Testosterone Boosters
Read on to find out what are the benefits of using testosterone boosters to increase your levels of this hormone as someone with low testosterone.
1. Lowers Fat Percentage
If you want bigger muscles, then testosterone is what you need. Lean body mass is essential at boosting energy levels and weight control.
Studies done on males with low testosterone levels show that testosterone treatment can help to improve muscle strength and size while shrinking fat mass. Some of the participants didn't experience increased strength with their lean body mass.
Therefore, it's safe to assume that the best results can be achieved when testosterone treatment is paired with a proper training and diet regime.
2. Boosts Mood
Poor quality of life is another disadvantage of low testosterone levels. This can show up as irritability, fatigue, and depression.
But, research shows that this mostly happens to men who suffer from hypogonadism. Men with normal testosterone levels will experience a natural drop-off of this hormone as they age but it doesn't usually come with symptoms of depression.
3. Improves Heart Health
It's essential to maintain a healthy heart because this vital organ is responsible for delivering blood and oxygen to the rest of your body, including your organs and muscles.
Testosterone has also been shown to increase the production of red blood cells through the bone marrow. On the other hand, low testosterone is associated with a number of cardiovascular problems.
4. Improves Libido
Testosterone levels increase during sexual activity. Those with higher testosterone levels typically experience better sexual performance.
The older men get, the more testosterone they need to aid erectile function and libido. As for erectile dysfunction, it often develops as a result of certain medical conditions, but mostly due to low testosterone levels.
5. Builds Strong Bones
Testosterone also contributes to bone mineral density, which naturally decreases with age, along with testosterone levels.
This leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis and weak bones. On the other hand, strong bones provide optimal support for internal organs and muscles while causing increased athletic performance.
How Testosterone Drops the Older You Get?
While testosterone is an essential hormone, decreased levels shouldn't be a cause of worry because it's just a natural part of growing older.
The NHS shows that testosterone levels start decreasing by 2% per year from the time men reach their 30s. This gradual decrease doesn't cause any noticeable changes in performance or libido.
The problem arises when testosterone levels start to decrease due to a genetic condition. For the most part, the early reduction of T-levels is caused by mental health problems and lifestyle issues.
As you can see, legal, naturally formulated testosterone boosters can go a long way to increase testosterone levels and improve gym performance, libido, and overall quality of life.
But, they are only necessary in cases where low testosterone levels are caused by genetic conditions or lifestyle factors.