Fortnite Guide: Here's When the Deadpool Skin is Dropping; Plus the Latest Glitches for a (Almost) Guaranteed Win!

After weeks of completing Deadpool's tasks in Fortnite, we finally have news as to when the highly-anticipated Deadpool skin is rolling out, plus Fortnite fans have recently found new glitches that could help anyone win their matches.

Deadpool's Skin is Finally Arriving!

Based on a report by Forbes, the Merc with a Mouth has left a good clue as to when the Deadpool outfit will be made available on the game, and it's right under our noses.

By now, Fortnite players have gone back and forth to Deadpool's secret room for the past few weeks as part of his weekly tasks, but now, a clue has been left behind in the form of the calendar above the toilet.

Interact with the calendar, and you'll see the Merc has been marking his days on the calendar, with a red circle on what is clearly a Friday.

The dates aren't filled in, but the special day is apparently on Apr. 3, when the week 7 challenges will roll in. With that, fans are speculating that the reward for completing the week 7 Deadpool challenges is the long-awaited special outfit itself.

Completing the Deadpool Fortnite Challenges

As of writing, there is no word as to what the last challenges or steps will be, but it's extremely important to finish all of Deadpool's tasks from weeks 1 to 6 before the final tasks arrive to ensure you get the skin soon.

If you are having trouble completing the Fortnite Deadpool tasks, TechTimes has recently created a guide to solving all the tasks currently available.

Two New Glitches Discovered

Meanwhile, two new glitches have been discovered in Fortnite, one that makes a player invisible and another one that breaks the sky's boundary, easily avoiding damage from both the enemy and even the circle.

According to SlashGear, Fortnite players only need to find and hide in a cardboard box to quickly take out enemies as it allows your character to be invisible, thanks to a glitch discovered by a famous streamer, LazarBeam.

To get the glitch to work, hide in a cardboard box and then crouch while aiming, plus it's also more effective when you have a harpoon gun.

If you're using any other weapon, your firearm will be visible and will ruin the effect and still make you as vulnerable as you were completely visible.

It may not work during your first try, but a few more practices, and you'll find your character standing in an open box, completely invisible, allowing you to stalk enemies and eliminate them.

However, by now, it's a big glitch, and many are probably attempting it. Plus, the open box is a dead giveaway as well, especially when your enemies know what it entails.

Almost Guaranteeing a Win

Another glitch, discovered by LazarBeam once again, allows you to avoid all damages, including that from your enemies and even the shrinking circle--and all you need is a Choppa, a grapple gun, and a reliable pal to steer the helicopter.

With the grapple gun, Fortnite players can now glitch the helicopter and exceed the usual boundary and lift the vehicle in the sky and beyond the circle.

As with previous glitches, Epic Games will likely patch them out. However, there's no word when the next patch will be and if it will include a repair for these glitches.

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