A woman who was tested positive for COVID-19, the disease brought by the novel coronavirus, had now gone viral on social media when she posted a video from her bed in the intensive care unit, struggling to breathe, sending a grim warning to everyone.

Woman positive of COVID-19 issues a warning to others
According to Business Insider, the woman is Tara Jane Langston, aged 39, and was described as a healthy gym goer before she was admitted to Hillingdon Hospital in London.
In the short but harrowing video, Langston can be seen with a breathing tube, saying she can't breathe without it and gasping as she shows two tubes each attached to her arms.
"If anyone is thinking of taking any chances, just take a look at me ... Because if it gets really bad, then you're going to end up here," the woman said, pleading to everyone to take coronavirus seriously.
Langston also issued a warning to smokers and telling them they would need their lungs.
Even more distressing is the fact that she mentioned she was already "10 times better than before" as she was making the video, mentioning to MailOnline that breathing was "like having glass in your lungs."
Additionally, she also told MailOnline that she once thought the virus was "all hyped up" and that she made the video to warn others about meeting up with people and not following social distancing.
She issued a reminder, saying people should self-isolate as it was the only way.
When asked about who she saw at the hospital, Langston said there were mostly patients in their 50s and 60s.
As per MailOnline, Langston has slightly recovered and was moved out of the ICU on Thursday, Mar. 19.
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COVID-19 threats could last for more than a year
As of writing, there are already 268,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 around the world, with more than 11,000 confirmed deaths.
Coronavirus also doesn't have a known cure yet, and countries around the world are racing to create a vaccine that could stop it in its tracks.
However, TechTimes have previously reported that it could still take 18 months for the vaccine to be manufactured and sent out to everyone, so the pandemic may also last for more than a year, meaning it could infect more people and claim more lives.
Big countries around the world, including the United States and the United Kingdom, are now urging their citizens to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary and to never go to any gatherings as well as to maintain social distancing.
These precautionary measures are put in place to help slow the coronavirus infection.
People are not taking the coronavirus pandemic seriously
However, photos and videos of spring breakers in Florida have started to pour in, undeterred by the mass quarantine and orders of avoiding large, mass gatherings--and most of all, the real threats of COVID-19.
USA Today mentioned one spring breaker was even bold enough to say that if "I get corona, I get corona," but the pandemic will not stop him from partying as they have been waiting for spring break in Miami for a while.
People have also gathered in pubs and other establishments during the St. Patrick's Day celebration amid the coronavirus warnings.