GameStop, the world's largest retail gaming destination for Xbox One X, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch, announces change in released dates for most-awaited video games such as Animal Crossing: New Horizons and DOOM Eternal. Compared before, wherein both video games will be live at the same time on Friday, Mar. 20, the company now announces that DOOM Eternal will be making a day earlier release to combat Coronavirus health issue in the world.
Animal Crossing fans: "Make New Horizons release first!" Not DOOM!
In a very unpredictable move, GameStop tweeted an official announcement that DOOM Eternal will be gaining a day early release date for fans. This means that DOOM will be available on Thursday, Mar. 19 and Animal Crossing: New Horizons would be a little day late with its released date on Friday, Mar. 20.
This is a way for GameStop to combat the Coronavirus scare for most gamers that will be coming at their stores by separating both fans of the game and lessen the people that will be buying their games.
To ensure we adhere to CDC-recommended social distancing guidelines, we will be selling DOOM Eternal a day early on Thursday, 3/19 as a safety precaution for our customers and associates. Animal Crossing will release on Friday 3/20 to further help separate the crowds. — GameStop (@GameStop) March 19, 2020
In this way, the store will not be having too many social gatherings, which might result in vulnerability on Coronavirus. Unfortunately, fans of Animal Crossing: New Horizons seemed to be unhappy with the decision of GameStop and said that their game must be released first.
Why Animal Crossing fans got angry on DOOM Eternal's early release
Although GameStop will only be releasing DOOM Eternal a day before Animal Crossing date, fans of the New Horizons already expressed their dismay on the store since they believed that their game must be first released compared to DOOM.
On Twitter, some of the Animal Crossing fans told GameStop to switch the release date with DOOM in order for them to play the game earlier than expected.
NOOOOOOO release Animal crossing early too wtf! — Ray Gran @UA (@Granosx) March 19, 2020
Another tweet reasoned out that Animal Crossing should be first, for the benefit of the children.
Think about the children — tub (@ImTubbo) March 19, 2020
Though only some Animal Crossing fans tend to be angry on GameStop's final decision, most of the twitter users already anticipated this reaction from New Horizons fans.
Just here to watch entitled people upset over they’re animal game being a single 24 hours longer to wait pic.twitter.com/2g7rn2Q4u7 — Dakota ️️ (@DakDread) March 19, 2020
I can’t wait to see all the Animal Crossing fans who are upset that Animal Crossing isn’t the one being released early— The Awesome Eevee (@TheAwesomEevee) March 19, 2020
E3 gaming event cancelation due to Coronavirus
Coronavirus has been the main reason why most companies now adjusted their prior schedules as a protection against COVID-19.
2020 Electronic Entertainment Expo or E3 2020-- which is the grandest gaming event of the year-- has been canceled in order to protect everyone from acquiring and spreading the viral disease. This means that this disease affects everyone and everything.