The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an expanded list of EPA-registered and approved disinfectants that are qualified to be used against the SARS-CoV-2, otherwise known as the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
EPA Expands List of Approved Disinfectants Against Coronavirus
In a press release by the EPA, they have mentioned that there are an additional 200 products, including 40 new ones, that went through the agency's expedited review process.

EPA also mentioned that the products in their expanded list were not necessarily tested against the SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.
Nevertheless, these products have been tested and have been proven effective against much more harder-to-kill viruses, as well as other coronaviruses that are closely related to the novel coronavirus.
Andrew Wheeler, the EPA administrator, said that it's crucial for everyone to find helpful information when it comes to choosing a surface disinfectant, especially amid the pandemic.
"With this expanded list, EPA is making sure Americans have greater access to as many effective and approved surface disinfectant products as possible and that they have the information at their fingertips to use them effectively," he added.
Easier Access to the List and More Information
The EPA has also made their list more accessible to anyone.
Now, they have updated their website and made it easier for users to sort, search, and print the list so they can bring it with them to the grocery store the next time they go out.
It is also viewable via mobile.
Additionally, the EPA has now included each of the product's active ingredients, as well as other information such as how long the surface needs to be wet to work much more effectively against coronavirus and other viruses.
The expanded list can be found HERE.
Avoid Hoarding and Ensure Safety at Home
Based on a recent report by the Business Insider, many of the EPA-approved disinfectants on the list are currently sold out even online. However, manufacturers are already working on restocking them.
With that, the government and the people are asking everyone to avoid hoarding to ensure everyone can have access to disinfectants and keep their homes safe.
The World Health Organization (WHO) encourages people to disinfect their homes amid the coronavirus pandemic.

According to CNET, disinfecting "high-touch" areas and objects is a must. It includes doorknobs, light switches, smartphones, remote controls, tables, and more.
Wiping them quickly with disinfectant wipes, followed by a disinfectant spray, especially a bleached-based disinfectant, can be powerful against any germs, bacteria, and viruses that linger on any surface.
Additionally, everyone is encouraged to wash their hands regularly for 20 seconds with warm water and high-quality soap.
ALSO READ : COVID-19 Vaccine Still on Phase 1 and Might Take 18 Months From Now to Create Says Global Health Official
COVID-19 Pandemic Continues
As of writing, there are over 190,000 confirmed cases around the world--China having the most cases--and over 7,500 deaths. A total of 80,800 recovered patients who are discharged from the hospital.
There is no cure for COVID-19 yet, but the world is racing to find one and testing out experimental drugs and vaccines to see their effect on the virus. However, it is believed that it may take 18 months before a cure is found and finally sent out to the public.