Everyone has been joining forces in the battle against the deadly coronavirus or Covid-19 and Google is definitely one of them! Just recently, Google released a series of simple easy-to-remember tips on how to counter or at least avoid infection from this virus.
The internet is a powerful tool
The internet has been one of the most powerful tools to spread information about the coronavirus or Covid-19 but sadly, the internet has been abused for the wrong reasons of spreading fake news about the virus causing panic and mayhem almost everywhere. Google is making sure to use their platform as the most popular search engine to better spread proper information about the coronavirus or Covid-19.
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Google is currently advertising tips from the World Health Organization itself since this is the most reliable source of information when it comes to fighting the virus. Google has started to join the fight against fake news and has started to put more effort into promoting proper guidelines and tips as described by WHO.
The PSA also pushes proper information
Instead of the usual holidays or different product launches, the PSA has been using their part in the fight against the coronavirus or Covid-19 but displaying "Do the five. Help stop Coronavirus." As they wish to use their efforts for the good of the public. Once clicked, this automatically directs the user to search for "coronavirus tips" which is perfect in this time of need.
Now that Google is taking part, WHO becomes more visible
WHO's site may not always get enough attention as other websites which host conspiracies or fake news and this is something Google wants to change by putting up the "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public" page into a more visible location for the public to see.
WHO's five tips for fighting the coronavirus:
Since our hands are usually the first exposed to the viruses, dirt, and bacteria, it is very important that they be kept clean.
Should you need to cough, cough into your elbow! Instead of coughing straight into your hand, start coughing to your elbow to avoid the spread of anything.
It might be a familiar place to touch but the face is now off limits since this is the most vulnerable part of your body when it comes to bacterial or viral penetration.
Avoid exaggerated closed quarters. 3ft apart is the ideal distance to stay away from people.
Stay at home and rest whenever you do not feel well!
Google has made minor improvements
Google has noticed a glitch in their videos and have made sure that the bugs have been fixed. In this time of panic, it would be nice to enjoy uninterrupted videos here and there and it was only thanks to the buzz on Twitter that this matter was noticed! Google is working to not only counter fake news but also provide better services as the masses practice social distancing to fight the coronavirus or Covid-19.
Global Media Controls is quite buggy in Chrome v79, when you have more than one media source playing, this is what you get #Chrome @ChromiumDev pic.twitter.com/A6uONzVFAx — Wuhanda Williams (@wuhanwill) February 1, 2020