Despite the worldwide advice for people to practice self-distancing in the time of fear from the coronavirus or Covid-19, some people in London thought it was a good idea to celebrate St. Patrick's Day despite the growing risk of the coronavirus or Covid-19's infection. There were thousands of people partying and dancing while the rest of the world did their part in the fight against this virus.

The risk of infection in crowds
Crowds pose a huge risk of infection and as the more people gather together, the higher the risk of infection could be for everyone around the area. Since the virus travels through liquid particles that could make its way through the air, the risk increases as people are in close conduct with one another and this is certainly the reality once a massive amount of people are in one place elbow to elbow with one another.
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Cardiff's Motorpoint Arena had the Stereophonics play
There were thousands of people seen in attendance at the Cardiff's Motorpoint Arena as the Stereophonics were playing and this alone poses a huge threat of infection! As people are jumping up and down and sweating everywhere, the chances that sweat and other infected particles could travel around the room is just massively high.
The Liverpool's marathon saw 6,000 participants while Bath's saw 12,000!
It is surprising that despite the global panic and the status of this virus reaching a pandemic, some people do not give the coronavirus or Covid-19 the respect it deserves and still choose to be careless when it comes to safety precautions. There were about 6,000 people in attendance with another shoulder to shoulder even which was the ten mile race where people are obviously going to sweat and pass around pathogens onto one another.
Bath's on the other hand saw a massive 12,000 people despite the strict and clear warnings of the local MP to cancel this event and it seems like nobody seems to care about the virus at all despite its growing situation especially in Italy where the temperature is perfect for this virus to spread!
Boris Johnson is imposing a ban on major and minor events which include the gathering of masses
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stepped into action and banned the gathering of many people in one venue in hopes of minimizing the risk of infection spreading once a large amount of people are gathered. The masses do not seem to care much for this as displayed during their actions on Saint. Patrick's Day.
Social media took a very negative liking towards the situation
There have been massive amounts of tweets slamming the whole situation as most people are participating in the fight against the growing pandemic caused by the coronavirus or Covid-19 while these people did not seem to care at all about the growing danger which this virus has caused not just to individual countries but rather the world!
How did the band, the venue, the marketing department, the Comms department, the local authorities, the police, the health services, the welsh assembly government, and the punters themselves, conspire to allow this happen? #cardiff #stereophonics — Garrett Tubridy (@gtubridy) March 15, 2020
#COVIDー19 This gathering is so utterly irresponsible No. Words.#BorisJohnson govt fails to #lockdown mass gatherings like this makes it just as responsible for the resulting #CoronavirusOutbreak#CoronavirusPandemic #stereophonics — Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu (@SholaMos1) March 15, 2020
Irresponsible!so why does UK still ignore the dangerous coronavirus??#stereophonics #covidー19uk — DoSomething (@DoSomet52908049) March 15, 2020