[COVID-19 UPDATE] Australia Minister Peter Dutton, Wife of Canada's PM Justin Trudeau, Celebs, Influential People That Test Positive

[BREAKING] Coronavirus Positive: Sophie Trudeau, Wife of Canada's PM Justin Trudeau Tests Positive
[BREAKING] Coronavirus Positive: Sophie Trudeau, Wife of Canada's PM Justin Trudeau Tests Positive Patrick Doyle on Reuters

UPDATE:Aside from the wife of PM Justin Trudeau, another government official in Australia is now diagnosed with positive Coronavirus status.

Peter Dutton, an Australian Liberal Party politician serving as Minister for Home Affairs since 2017, recently admitted that he took test for COVID-19 and turned out positive.

"This morning I woke up with a temperature and a sore throat," the statement read," said Dutton. "I immediately contacted the Queensland Department of Health and was subsequently tested for COVID-19."
"I was advised by Queensland Health this afternoon that the test had returned positive."

Due to this, Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison also announced that he'd no longer attend the famous rugby game that will be scheduled tomorrow in order to prevent large crowds.

Coronavirus: Wife of Canada's PM Justin Trudeau confirmed with Coronavirus

Sophie Trudeau, Canada's First Lady and wife of the country's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is now under quarantine after Canada officials confirms her testing positive for Coronavirus or COVID-19. As of now, officials clarified that the Prime Minister is fine and will be under self-isolation for straight 14 days until everything goes to normal.

[BREAKING] Coronavirus Positive: Sophie Trudeau, Wife of Canada's PM Justin Trudeau Tests Positive
[BREAKING] Coronavirus Positive: Sophie Trudeau, Wife of Canada's PM Justin Trudeau Tests Positive Stephane Mahe on Reuters

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, 44, has been feeling feverish late Wednesday, Mar. 11 when she got back from a London speaking engagement. She said in a statement that she will regain her health soon after tests confirming her positive with the viral disease.

"First I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you who have reached out to me asking how I'm doing. Although I'm experiencing uncomfortable symptoms of the virus, I will be back on my feet soon," she said in a statement. "Being at quarantine at home is nothing compared to other Canadian families who might be going through this and for those facing more serious health concerns."

PM Justin Trudeau is safe from Coronavirus

His husband, the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is in good health as per Canada's spokesman, but said that the Prime Minister will also undergo self-isolation for straight 14 days in order to know whether there's possibility of him catching the virus from his wife.

However, doctors checking the health of the Prime Minister said that there is no need for PM to be checked with the virus since he is not feeling any symptoms.

Officials also noted that the tasks and responsibilities of PM Justin will still be ongoing and he will held meetings via phone calls in order to advise Canadian citizens on this alarming rate of positive cases with Coronavirus.

On Mar. 19, the very first government official diagnosed with positive Coronavirus is Prince Albert II of Monaco. Based on the palace's Facebook account, the prince experienced the symptoms and advised to take a COVID-19 test wherein he was tested positive.

Still, Prince Albert II said that he will continue to serve his citizens and "urges the people of Monaco to respect the measures of confinement and to limit contact with others to a minimum."

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