Another update from Windows 10 has spiraled. If you think the last update was bad, well this new one is worse, but not to worry, other updates and fixes for different issues have gained light. Let's just hope that they stay fixed this time.

The KB4535996 Windows 10 update just got a whole lot worse
Instead of getting fixed, it seems that Microsoft had just made things worse with this update. Over time, the issue with this has just been increasingly getting butchered.
Boot problems, the agonizing blue screen of death, some slowdowns, audio problems, and issues with the Microsoft visual studio, have taken over and everything just seems to be a mess. These only occur to all users that have installed the KB4535996 update.
Here's the crazy part though, it still says "Microsoft is not currently aware of any issues with this update" on their KB4535996 page. Shocker.
Yes, Patch Tuesday has gone live. No, KB4535996 is not on the list
Microsoft has rolled out mandatory updates and fixes again which includes fixes for Office, IE, and Edge. Take a look at some of them:
WINDOWS 10 VER. 1903/1909
In this version, Microsoft has pushed out KB4540673 and changed the build number to 18362.719 and 18363.719.
When using External devices, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer, updates have been rolled out to improve security. The same goes for usernames and passwords, which have been verified.
Users having issues that prevent them from upgrading the operating system because of some corrupted third-party assemblies have been addressed.
As for the security updates to Windows Server, Windows Update Stack, Windows Peripherals, Windows Authentication, Windows Fundamentals, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows Silicon Platform, Windows Media, Frameworks, and Windows App Platform, changes have been made as well.
WINDOWS 10 VER. 1809 and WINDOWS 10 VER. 1803
In this version, Microsoft has pushed out KB4538461 and KB4540689 and changed the build number to 17763.1098 and 17134.1365, respectively.
When using External devices, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, and when Windows is performing some basic operations, updates have been rolled out to improve security. Verifying usernames and passwords, storing, and managing files have been updated as well.
As for the security updates to Windows Server, Windows Update Stack, Windows Peripherals, Filesystems, Windows Storage, Windows Core Networking, Windows Kernel, Windows Authentication, Windows Fundamentals Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows Silicon Platform, Windows Media Windows App Platform, and Frameworks, Microsoft Scripting Engine, changes have been made as well.
WINDOWS 10 VER. 1709
In this version, Microsoft has pushed out KB4540681 and changed the build number to 16299.1747.
To improve security, updates to using Microsoft Office Products, Edge, IE, Windows' basic operations and external devices have been made. Verification for usernames and passwords, storing and managing files have been updated as well, including an issue where icons and cursors are prevented from appearing.
As for the security updates to Windows Network Security Containers, Windows Server, Windows Update Stack, Windows Peripherals, Filesystems, Windows Storage, Windows Core Networking, Windows Kernel, Windows Authentication, Windows Fundamentals Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows Silicon Platform, Windows Media Windows App Platform, and Frameworks, Microsoft Scripting Engine, changes have been made as well.
WINDOWS 10 VER. 1703
In this version, Microsoft has pushed out KB4540705 and changed the build number to 15063.2313.
To improve security, updates to using Microsoft Office Products, Edge, IE, Windows' basic operations and external devices have been made. Verification for usernames and passwords, storing and managing files have been updated as well, including an issue where icons and cursors are prevented from appearing.
Issues that allow Microsoft browsers to bypass proxy have been addressed, including the prevention of machines that have enabled Credential Guard from joining in a domain with than error message that says "The server's clock is not synchronized with the primary domain controller's clock."
As for the security updates to Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows Cryptography, Windows Server, Windows Update Stack, Windows Peripherals, Filesystems, Windows Storage, Windows Core Networking, Windows Kernel, Windows Authentication, Windows Fundamentals, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows Network Security Containers Windows Silicon Platform, Windows Media Windows App Platform, and Frameworks, Microsoft Scripting Engine, changes have been made as well.
These are just some of the updates and fixes that Microsoft has rolled out.
To see the full list, click here.