Collapsed Coronavirus Quarantine Hotel: Social Media Speculates that This is China Trying to Bury Failed Recovery Patients!

A Chinese boy and his mother have been rescued after 52 hours of being trapped in a collapsed hotel containing China's coronavirus or Covid-19 quarantine patients. The big question is if this was an intentional collapse to minimize the amounts of infected by the deadly virus! There are already 18 reported deaths in this incident, while 12 are still missing. On social media platforms, many netizens speculate that this could have been an attempt to decrease the count of coronavirus victims right after a few of the recovered patients.

The amount of casualty in the hotel located in Quanzhou is quite big

There have been a total of 71 people inside this hotel who were being quarantined for the coronavirus, and as the hotel crumbled in seconds, 18 of them ended up dead while the 12 other victims remain missing. The actual cause of the collapse is still under investigation, and there are two reported speculations regarding this collapse. There has not been a final deduction as to the actual cause or motive (if there are any) behind the collapse of this hotel.

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The first speculation is the building's interior structure

For a building to be approved, it needs to pass certain standards, but these do not always happen as sometimes construction surveyors can be bribed into approving the building despite low-quality materials. This is done often not just in China but also around the world, which is a sad truth for some countries because it is not just the developer who suffers the results but the people within the building! This could be a root cause for the building not being able to withstand the pressure and collapsing burying 18 dead and missing losing 12 victims within the rubble.

The second speculation could be that this was an attack or an intentional move

There is still an ongoing theory that this could be caused by a person or a group of persons in the event of trying to lessen the total number of infected individuals within China. Buildings do not just collapse on their own, and it is very timely that this should happen when there are coronavirus or Covid-19 quarantined victims inside the building. Although the majority was able to survive this blow, the number of victims is still a significant amount. According to several tweets on Twitter, there is something suspicious about this collapse.

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How long did the building exist?

The building was reportedly constructed in 2013 but was only converted to a hotel in 2018 about five years after its existence. The building was only seven years old when it collapsed, which then brings up quite the number of questions as to why this happened. A seven-year-old building is still considered quite young when we talk about the life of a building. Most buildings are constructed with the expectation that they would last ten years and reach maybe even a hundred. This building's collapse was unfortunate not just for the coronavirus or Covid-19 quarantined victims but also for the whole of China itself.

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