As the growing numbers of infected increase, sometimes coronavirus symptoms alone are not enough to identify if one really has the virus. Wuhan believes in technology and that the use of a chest CT scan or rather a chest computed tomography scan are reliable ways to find out whether or not this virus has already infected a specific individual.
Chest CT scans have been used for finding other illnesses but with a proper interpretation of this computed tomography, medical personnel may be able to detect whether a person is infected or not by the use of Radiology.
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How can radiologists be able to interpret this data?
According to radiologists from Wuhan, China, the rate of failure for this interpretation is only about 3.9% which is basically two miscalculations for every 51 observations. So far, this is as good as it can get in the first try.
Although this is not the most effective, this is still the most reliable way to get a rapid diagnosis regarding the coronavirus or Covid-19 to be able to pinpoint the virus when doing a quick scan. It is still very important to watch the coronavirus symptoms but they are still quite unreliable compared to going through this specific process.
The findings were reported by observation and not rumor
Tongji Hospital was the first to carry out this study as Yan Li and Liming Xia was able to observe 51 different individuals diagnosed with the coronavirus or Covid-19 infection which was confirmed by nucleic acid testing.
The patient pool was made of 23 women and also 28 men with an age range of about 26-83 years old while the other two patients with adenovirus was a woman and a man from ages 58 to 66 years old. This was first tested out with 53 patients from February 9, 2020 when a total of 99 different chest CT scans (computed tomography) were performed.
Other findings of the computed tomography study
Aside from just being able to detect whether or not certain individuals have caught the coronavirus or Covid-19, radiology was also used to discover the origins of this virus and has found that there the virus differs from the SARS-CoV and also the MERS-CoV through different features.
So far what scientists have found is a reversed halo sign for two different patients at 3.9% and also a pulmonary nodule including a halo sign for nine patients at 17.6%.
This valuable methodology can be used to test people in areas without advanced technology
The problem with just checking the temperature of individuals is that almost everyday somebody gets sick from fever or colds but we cannot immediately associate them with this coronavirus or Covid-19. In fact, most countries without the proper technology tend to rely only on this methodology when they should at least rely on a chest CT scan or computed tomography to be able to increase their chances of accurate detection. Radiology can be a useful tool in identifying certain diseases and sometimes looking at the coronavirus symptoms are just not enough.