5 Most Annoying Toys Parents Need to Know About

Being a parent is a difficult job, but it is even more so when annoying toys are brought into the equation. These toys can cause parents to lose sleep throughout the night and maybe even well into the morning.

For now, there's not much parents can do unless they choose not to purchase these annoying toys for their children, but it is easier said than done.

We don't have a plan to escape these toys, but we do have a list of the most annoying ones for those parents who are interested in keeping their children away from them.

Talking Dolls

These dolls never shut up since it is so easy for young children to make them talk. In the old days, all it took was the press of button, but today, a simple shake and these dolls are chattering away. It means that no matter the age of the child, they are fully capable of operating these devices.

Stuffed Animals That Play Music

Similar to talking dolls, these stuffed animals will either play some annoying music or sing some good songs, but the more these songs are played, the more annoying they get. Sometimes musical toys can make parents want to pull their hair out every time their children get their hands on one of these toys.


Play-Doh is having a bit of a problem right now after releasing a controversial toy that looks similar to a penis. We're not going to talk about that today -- we're going to focus on the mashed potato things that children love to play with. They don't make noise, but when they are dried up, they can be found in every crease around the home. Very difficult to get rid of: this is the main reason to keep children away from these toys. Or else, it could cost parents their sanity.


Oh, yes, there is nothing as annoying as LEGOs when they are scattered all around the house. LEGOs are great for creativity, but when they are on the floor and unseen, that's when things get dangerous. Ever stepped on a piece of LEGO before? How about stepping on a bunch of them -- different shapes, different sizes? All spread across the living room floor. The pain, the foot spraining pain! Not every parent experiences this, but the ones who do probably want to destroy the LEGO factory once and for all.

Toys With Glitter, Tinsel and All Other Sparkly Sprinkles

Quick! Run for the hills! Just imagine everything in the house covered in sparkly sprinkles? Clothes, walls, floors, bed, hair! These toys must have been created by Hades himself to cause havoc on humanity, but by the spectacular white beard of Zeus, he will not prevail.

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