There is an increasing rate of civilians being infected in the United States. In fact, according to the Yale professor Howard P. Forman, cases could 'dramatically' grow in the coming days This event is quite alarming because of how secure the U.S. takes this issue as the number of cases of people with coronavirus or Covid-19 is growing.
Check out Dr. Forman's tweet below:
Thread: #COVID19 #Coronavirus updates & data.
I will repeat this, but really important: cases coming out of the US WILL EXPLODE in the coming days. This is NOT a cause for panic. These EXISTING cases are finally being diagnosed, since testing is now more broadly available. 1/ — (((Howard Forman))) (@thehowie) March 1, 2020
On the other side of the world, South Korea has invented apps that notify civilians of coronavirus infections around the area. These apps have helped non-infected citizens steer clear from infected areas to avoid infection.
The worldwide infection rate has started to increase
The global number of infections has started to grow, and now there are about 90,000 reported infected citizens, and the death toll is still climbing. Korea is one of the most recent countries to be infected with this coronavirus or Covid-19, but they are doing the best they can to counter it through any means that they possess. Building apps for their citizens to steer clear from infected areas is one of Korea's most innovative moves to help fight this virus.
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The usefulness of the Korean apps
The Korean apps named Corona 100m and Corona Maps were developed for the sake of the public and play a huge role in prevention because of the data available on these apps. Now, Koreans can take protective measures to make sure they are not infected. Not everything can be micromanaged, and this is why citizens themselves should take part in preventing the spread of this virus. If citizens themselves are able to stay away from high-infection rate areas, this could really stop the unnecessary transactions made within these areas.
The Korean apps make the data available to everybody
The problem with the data released by the government is that it is a bit too complicated to understand. With that, the developers of these apps decided to create them in the first place. The developers put in mind not just the availability of information but also the simplicity and how well it would be understood by the majority. Not everyone can interpret charts, and not everyone reads the news, which is why, with these apps, citizens can be automatically updated on red zones or zones where the risk of contamination is higher.
Corona Map and Corona 100m apps provide a map and give information in real-time
One of the most amazing features of this app is how it still functions as a map but also indicates which places have a high infection rate. For Koreans who are driving, this app can easily be used as a map and helps them steer away from unnecessary visits to places with high infection rates.
The benefits of these apps to the United States
If these apps could be available in the U.S., civilians could be able to avoid contact in places of high infection rate, which could slow down the spread of the coronavirus or Covid-19. Although the virus is still very new in the United States, the effects of this virus are alarming, and civilians should not let their guard down and wander off into places where they might catch this virus.