10 Tech Predictions Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

10 Tech Predictions Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know
10 Tech Predictions Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

Embracing the new decade is an exciting time for everyone. You get to see new technology being put into action and transforming people's lives for the better. In 2010, you couldn't imagine how quickly the future would become present. And yet, it's here.

As an entrepreneur, you're well aware of how important it is to stay in line with the trends if you don't want your competition to outrace you. It's time to look at the trends that deserve your attention the most.

1. Biometric data will walk hand-in-hand with wearables

Now people often wear their smartwatch to measure their steps, heart-rate, and so on. It comes in handy when you go for a run or exercise. But wearables will soon do more than that.

For instance, smart bands and watches may analyze the graphs and see how your lung capacity has improved over time. Or they may end up calculating the optimal route for your run. Biometric data also happens to work wonders when used in conjunction with other healthcare solutions. It will continue to monitor your health and will get better at it.

2. 5G will revolutionize enterprises

5G technology is fast and thus satisfying from the user experience perspective. And it's also a great way to do the things that were not possible to do before. Having the option to transfer large bits and pieces of information in a fly unlocks more potential. It is going to be especially noticeable when it comes to streaming or collaborating on a project while on-the-go.

3. Smart cars will get the voice assistant functionality

Since voice assistants have become all the rage, their implementation will reach new heights. A typical smart vehicle will not only get you to your desired destination but also serve the weather report, alert you if you've scheduled a meeting with someone, etc.

It's safe to say it will be the ultimate hands-off experience. Before you know it, your smart car will become an extension of your office as well. It will allow you to take some tasks on the road with you (such as customer support, interviews, and similar).

4. Augmented reality will be even bigger than before

As every savvy marketer knows, personalization is an efficient way to increase your sales. How does this tie to augmented reality? Imagine a potential customer walking through the door of a clothing store. He or she needs to go through the hassle of trying on one piece of clothing after another. Why not have them stand in front of a smart mirror with augmented reality built-in? It can be enough for them to assess how the clothes would look like on them. It's convenient and a time-saver to boot. It's hard to imagine how it would not find its place in the industry.

5. Cashierless technology will gain traction

As China is moving toward a cashless society, it's no wonder why the rest of the world is looking to learn something from it. Cashierless technology pretty much fits the bill. After all, why not automate something that also happens to improve the customer experience as an added benefit?

6. AI will create more jobs

There is a fear that AI will take away jobs and replace humans. While no one knows for sure, it's more likely it will create more jobs than it will take away. After all, someone needs to develop solutions for it, right?

Plus, AI performs its tasks much better when there is a human to oversee it. Although it might change in the future, as of right now, no one trusts it enough to let it manage financial affairs, diagnose health conditions, etc., all on its own.

7. There will be more focus on teamwork

When the right people join forces, magic happens. Everyone who creates value for the company will get credit where credit is due. Based on their role, the employees will be an integral part of the company, thus upping its ethical standards.

8. Remote work opportunities will go up

Thanks to collaboration tools like Trello or Asana, there will be an increase in remote work opportunities as time goes on. Getting the work done in the same location as the rest of the team will thus no longer be necessary - as long as you finish it in time. Not only does it allow the team members to live on their own terms, but it also unlocks the whole world's worth of talent pool. The savviest business owners are already taking advantage of it.

Of course, there are always potential security risks when working with sensitive company data. But NordVPN Teams and similar solutions make it much harder for a hacker to intercept data in transfer or access business resources. Pair them with some common sense, and the fears of remote work will become a thing of the past.

9. Cybercrime will grow to lucrative business

Since digital assets and vaults will be much more prominent than ever before, it means more points of interest for the criminals to target. In the same vein, businesses will pour more money into the cybersecurity industry because of that.

10. Fake news will be easier to spot

Since AI has taken a giant leap in development, fake news will fight a powerful foe. It will make the internet a cleaner place in general. Google and Facebook already work on filtering out fake news before it reaches anyone's newsfeed. And they are not the only players in this fight.

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