How safe do you think you are from the coronavirus when a danger closer to you is just waiting for you to commit that one mistake that will cost you? Your smartphone can be the death of you without you even knowing it.
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What do you possibly not know
Based on data regarding the AVERAGE deaths of people due to smartphone usage daily may shock you, but it is not something that is talked about too much these. People believe the coronavirus is more dangerous than this, that is a fallacy.
Global statistics of deaths due to smartphone vs. COVID-19
The number of accidents per year due to texting while driving is shocking; indeed, here are the stats and will compare it to the coronavirus right after:
One million six hundred thousand accidents per year, 330,000 injuries per year, and 11 teen deaths every day. Nearly 25% of all car accidents. This is the highest reason for driving-related injuries or fatalities. It is six times more likely to happen than driving intoxicated and is the number one distraction in driving by drivers.
This also makes you 23 times more likely to crash comparable to driving blind for about five seconds at a time. Slows your brake reaction speed by over 18 percent and leads to a 400 percent increase with eyes off the road.
COVID-19 stats worldwide is now over 80,348 cases and 2,707 deaths, with about 27,890 who have recovered. Now the numbers are growing still despite quarantine and safety precautions, but the numbers do not lie. As the number of cases grows for the coronavirus, the accidents and fatalities are also increasing at an alarming rate despite several countries, making it illegal to use your smartphones while driving.
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What should happen
This is to raise awareness to everyone out there that yet the coronavirus is dangerous but so is using smartphones while traveling and even crossing the road, always be aware of surroundings and only use the phone if you really need to but pull over first if you are driving. As for pedestrians, if you ever cross the street, it's the protocol to look both ways before crossing the road, not looking at what's the most recent Tiktok video you're about to do later on with your friends.
"Stand at an intersection in the CBD for half an hour, and you'll see five or ten people just being saved or stopping themselves from walking out into traffic because they were looking down at their phone. When you tap them on the shoulder, and they look up, it's as though they've been in some daze because they are so engrossed in their phone." says the spokesperson of RACQ Paul Turner.
"We think that sort of offense is on its way. There's no doubt about it," he added later on.
Regardless of what you believe what health effects you think your smartphone will have in the coming years, remember that the age of smartphones is just over a few years or about a decade; but has caused more deaths than any virus that may be a pandemic. The coronavirus will eventually get a cure, but for humans to be free of the addiction, that is their cellphones that is an everyday battle people have to face.
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