Do you always experience some difficulties searching for specific emails? Imagine how stressful it can be if this is what you do first thing in the morning every day. Undoubtedly and undeniably, this work is time-consuming and makes one less productive at work. If you can relate to the scenario and the task worries you a lot already because of the time wasted just looking for a single yet very important mail, worry no more. Google has finally found a solution for you.
Today, the Gmail search feature is getting an important update that will allow the users to more simply and conveniently narrow results to find a particular email finally. Prior to this latest development from Google mail, users would key-in filters using their hand. For example, they would literally type the words that would give them exactly the mail they are looking for. Unfortunately, these options were said to be cumbersome, less obvious, and thus, under-utilized by the users of Gmail.

A Variety of Filters
During the new feature's launch, a variety of available filters was introduced, including filters that will help a user narrow down emails according to the sender, be it with an attachment or not. Search by the filter may also be done by time frame and all other categories. Moreover, Gmail users can also take advantage of the new filters and exclude some search result types such as chats or updates of calendars. Emails can also be specified according to the type of attachment-if it is a simple text, in PDF format, or a spreadsheet.
Here's what's more exciting about Gmail's new filters, one can use them in combination, helping him narrow down his searches as he goes. For example, when searching for an email with the name of a colleague, which included a PDF attachment and was sent a month before, he can simply use a few clicks on specific filters. If you've been an avid Gmail user, you definitely know that this search system of Google undeniably needed improvement.
Addressing the Need for Improvement
As mentioned, frequent users of Gmail are sure to agree that it needed further improvement, and that's what the new filter is here for. Google acknowledged the said need to be true, noting in its announcement "that it had heard from the users that searching Gmail could be more intuitive and faster." Before this latest development, according to long-time Gmail users, using search filters for a long time for them, "felt like a power user Gmail hack" instead of something that should be accessible for everyone.
But with Gmail's update, which just rolled out early today, expect a lot of improvements to take place, not to mention convenience for every user. However, according to Google, it may take up to a little over two weeks for this update to complete. G Suite is frequently the first to receive a new feature. And though a couple of weeks is what Google has committed for the new feature's completion, the company still did not give an exact time for the consumer launch.