Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour Happens Today! Here's How to Catch Pokemon During Spotlight Hour

Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour Happens Today; Here's How to Catch Pokemon During Spotlight Hour
Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour Happens Today; Here's How to Catch Pokemon During Spotlight Hour Pokemon GO

For our Pokemon GO update for today, a surprising announcement came recently from the game saying that Tuesday, Feb. 18 will be the next Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour that only lasts, of course, for an hour. This means that every PoGo players must be up on their feet as there are no announcements of this day's surprise Pokemon-- making assumptions of whether this is a marketing strategy or just a careless mistake?

Feb. 18 is a surprising Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour that has increased spawns!

Today is a major day for all PoGo players out there that aims to add more Pokemon on their Pokedex as a new set of pocket monsters are ready to be caught more easily on the wild-- for only an hour starting at 6 pm to 7 pm local time.

If you're that person that can't quite catch pocket monsters though they're already an easy target, this day is perfect for you. As usual, Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour is an experimental event that is done every week for all players out there.

Pokemon go update: increased spawns of some Pokemon like Koffing and Tentacool

Sadly, there are no announcements of which Pokemon will be its featuring pocket monster-- which is unusual. If you are still interested, though, a Reddit user posted a screenshot from his device saying that today's Pokemon Spotlight Hour features "greater numbers of Pokemon in the wild."

Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour Happens Today; Here's How to Catch Pokemon During Spotlight Hour
Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour Happens Today; Here's How to Catch Pokemon During Spotlight Hour @ninja8killer

Pokemon Go Hub also reported that there are other websites that made conclusions about today's Spotlight Hour. Some are stating that weather boosted spawns seemed to be increased, and others said earlier that Pokemon like Koffing and Tentacool would be having its increased appearances during this event.

Compared today, back in Feb. 11, the featured Pokemon for this event was the Psychic-type Pokemon called Spoink.

How to catch more pokemon on Pokemon Go spotlight hour?

For those beginners on Pokemon GO and have not yet experienced how Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour works. Here are some tips and guides on how to catch more Pokemon during this one-hour spectacular event.

As based on the Eurogamer website, the first thing that players need to do during this event is to have enough Poké Balls and berries along the way of your game. Players need to pile up with these to make sure that they don't waste time on Pokestops-- since its only an hour event.

Secondly, since Spotlight Hour allows you to catch more numbers of Pokemon on a day, you have to make sure that you have space left inside your Pokemon Storage Box for your newly-caught pocket monsters.

Lastly, make sure that you have some lures in your pockets. Spare lures will make you encounter more Pokemon in the wild and give you an assurance that your Spotlight Hour is all worth it.

ALSO READ: [TIPS] Pokemon GO Ultra League: Best Pokemon, Weapons, and Attacks You'll Need to Win

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