Rose Kalemba, a 25-year-old blog writer and a known advocate of rape survivors, was raped herself at the age of 14. She was kidnapped and put inside a car wherein a group of men raped her for 12 hours while the other man recorded the crime. After a few months, she discovered that her rape video went viral on the most popular adult website.
After a 14-year-old girl got raped, the video went viral on an adult website
On a special report made by BBC, Kalemba narrates how she was raped at age 14 by a group of men that she did not recognize.
An evening of 2009, a young Rose was walking on her neighborhood in a small town in Ohio-- which was said to be usual for her to clear her mind. Suddenly, a man stepped out of a car and dragged her inside while holding a knife on his hand. Two other men were inside the car. They drove to a house located on the other side of the town. This is where they continuously raped Rose while the third guy recorded parts of their crime.
After being beaten and experienced bruises all over her body, one guy showed her different videos of what appears to be their other rape victims. As detailed by her, "some of the victims were white, but many were women of color."
She begged her rapists to let go of her after she was threatened to be killed. Rose talked to them and said that she would not say anything to anyone on what happened to her. The rapists let go of her and dumped her in the street about half an hour's walk from her house.
After a few months, she then recognized herself on one of the most popular porn videos with titles 'teen crying and getting slapped around', 'teen getting destroyed,' 'passed out teen' that had over 400,000 views," uploaded in PornHub. Since she was still in school back then, most of her classmates and friends despised her after being accused of seducing men to have sex with her.
"I was bullied," she says, "People would say that I asked for it. That I led men on. That I was a slut."
Rose plead to the adult website to delete the video; unfortunately, no responses from them
Woman That Got Raped on a Video in Pornhub Disguised as Lawyer to Trick Site to Delete Video
Since Rose was still a minor back then, she begged and pleaded through emails to delete her videos of being sexually abused to the website. However, the website did not respond to any messages back to Rose.
"I sent [tbem] begging emails. I pleaded with them. I wrote, 'Please, I'm a minor, this was assault, please take it down.'"
She, then, think about disguising as a lawyer to obligate the site to turn down the said videos. After only 48 hours, the site deleted the videos.
Woman accuses the adult website of allowing rape videos despite the flagging feature
After over a decade, though this adult website already deleted the videos of Rose, she is now accusing the site of allowing rape videos being uploaded on their website.
It was when she found out-- through her blogs-- that a lot of rape victims were still being subjected to the adult website videos without their knowledge.
"It's impossible to miss the site if you use social media," says Rose. "They've done a great job at positioning themselves as a 'woke' mission, almost transcending adult site, but videos titled like mine are still on the site. There's no way of knowing if there are rapes on there, and the victims don't know it."
The adult website already explained the said allegations of Rose by saying that the case of Rose was already old and that new management is now more stringent in implementing policies against sexual abuse in their content.
However, when asked about the said videos with titles "teen abused while sleeping" "drunk teen abuse sleeping" "extreme teen abuse," the site noted that the company still allows people to upload these kinds of videos as "they allow all forms of sexual expression that follow our Terms of Use."
Now, Kalemba and other victims of rape aim to voice out their experiences to give justice not just against their rapists but on websites that take the business on their horrifying experiences.
She added that she would no longer be silent when it came to abuse and added that "the most powerful weapon of a rapist is our silence."