Google Bug Bounty has reached its highest released prizes for last year, according to the report. In 2019, a total amount of over $6.5 million was given to the security researchers that hacked or identified flaws in any of Google's products.
Google pays you to hack them, and it now reaches $6.5 million
The Google Bug Bounty program or called as Chrome's Vulnerability Reward Program (VRPs) is created by Google to promote hacking into their system. This means that if you can hack Google or any of its affiliates; or even identify one major flaw to their security, you will receive a money prize from the company.
In this way, Google will see whether their security systems were secured or not. This program started in 2010 and has been one of the most sought-after events for security engineers that aim to hack Google and at the same time, earn some money.
Google Chrome is not the only website that researchers can infiltrate.
Any security researchers can also hack Android, popular third-party apps on Google Play Store and the most recently "Abuse" program-- which was described as the "significant abuse-related methodologies" used in their system.
Google bug bounty 2019 has the highest-paid hackers
As also announced via Google, 2019 has reached the milestone in the VRP as the company gladly spent over $6.5 million for all the bug hunters that joined their program.
This amount is twice larger compared to the bounty prizes that were released from the past years. Not only that, the security researchers that identified flaws to their system also donated over $500,000 to their chosen charities-- making this five times higher compared to their donation within the past years.
Google Bug Bounty 2019 Became the Highest Paid Google Hackers Reaching $6.5 Million
The amount went even higher last year since the company increased its reward pay-outs to hackers. The baseline reward amount of $5,000 went tripled up to $15,000. While the maximum reward for high-quality reports doubled from $15,000 to $30,000.
Google bug bounty highest-paid hunter in 2019
Last year, Guang Gong of Alpha Lab discovered a 1-click remote code execution exploit chain on the Google Pixel 3 device. Due to this, Gong became the highest-paid bug bounty hunter, as of 2019, that received a total amount of $201, 337.
Using the said hacking of Gong, a lot of Google Pixel users were protected against the exploit chain in which Google fixed instantly after he discovered the reported flaw.
Google bug program calls out more hackers in 2020
If you are great at hacking systems and identifying system bugs to an application, Google wants you to join their program in 2020.
"Their discoveries help keep our users, and the internet at large, safe. We look forward to even more collaboration in 2020 and beyond. We are looking forward to an increasing engagement even more in 2020 as both Google and Chrome VRPs will turn 10. Stay tuned for celebrations," said Google online security blog.