Verizon this year is going all out in their service to provide the people of Miami 5G connectivity before the upcoming and yearly Super Bowl bonanza.
This behemoth of an amount will only, however, blanket the whole downtown Miami. Still, with most of the population going to flood the area anyway, it really doesn't matter because everyone who is everyone will be in downtown as the hype for the Super Bowl is coming to a pitched fever.
Verizon also mentioned that they would be sponsoring a live event where it will showcase why you will need 5G connection as well as the benefits it will bring. You will need a phone or device that supports 5G bands, and so far, there are only a limited few right now. First up on the field is Samsung S10 5G and Galaxy Note 10 5G. Next up would be the LG V50 ThinQ 5Gsmartphone, despite the limited options of 5G ready phones Verizon is making a big step towards the future in explaining the importance of faster connection and this a good move for the future to channel resources the right way towards the improvement of internet and broadband speeds all across the globe.
Below are 5G Benefits:
The main advantage of 5G is the greater speed and lower latency it provides, which in turn promotes the greater capacity of remote execution, more connected devices, and the possibility of implementing network slicing.
Greater Speed Overall for Transmissions
Speed is the name of the game when it comes to connectivity, 5G can easily approach 15 to 20.
Gbps compared to the max of 4G, which is only about 1 Gbps. This speed can we enjoy a more fluid experience in terms of downloads, file transfers, remote programs minus the wait. Also, an important note is by using more of the cloud this will free up precious space in our gadgets and will depend less on the internal memory of said gadget, while this is all well and good we can also expect to be limiting the number of processors on some gadgets because most of the computing will be done in the cloud.
The Beauty of Lower Latency
Per definition; Latency is the time that elapses since we give an order on our device until the action occurs. Now in using 5G, that time will be significantly shorter since 5g can provide ten times less than 4g could ever do, being able to perform remote actions literally in real-time.
Lower latency can mean that we can control the electronic side of countries like, for example, logistics of transport, machines in a plant, controls of a remote device hundreds of miles away without worry, and much more.
Greater Number of Connections from Different Devices
With 5G in place, the number of devices that can be connected to the network would be GREAT -- think of a number and multiply it significantly more. All connected devices will enjoy seamless internet access, real-time information exchange, and will definitely favor the IOT.
To give an example of such a scale, a house that has 5G can theoretically be able to connect up to about 100 devices, and the speed will still be the same for all, real-time transactions and lightning-fast speeds.
With this 5G in place in all corners of the world, autonomous cars and smart cities will follow suit with the seamless transactions and real-time applications 5Gcan offer. Verizon is definitely thinking of the future if this comes to pass.