It's the million-dollar question: how do you get your employees to be more productive? There have been many different answers to this question over the years, and as the workplace evolves and changes with technology, so do the solutions.
Managing your employees and making sure that they're doing their job to the best of their ability is one of the more difficult aspects of running a business. However, it doesn't have to be impossible, and technology can certainly take some of the pressure off. Let's take a look at five ways to manage employees with technology.
1. Try a Group Chat
When time equals money in a business environment, miscommunications often come with a big price tag. One way to increase productivity in your employees and help you manage them better is to improve the efficiency of communication around the office in general.
With a group chat, not only can you consolidate all of your communication between employees in one place, but you can also eliminate the 'I missed your email' excuse.
2. Simplify Tasks
One thing that technology is great at doing is simplifying tasks. One of the biggest roadblocks to employee productivity is finding the simplest way to complete a task.
Technology can help you manage your employees by simplifying tasks you've set for them and helping them avoid needing to take unnecessary steps. This can also save a lot of stress, both on your end and on theirs.
3. Try Employee Monitoring Software
While a group chat is good for being able to communicate with your employees without having to visit them around the office when it comes to technology, it can be difficult staying on top of what they're doing on their computers when you're not looking.
Of course, they're meant to be doing their work - but this isn't always going to be the case. If you don't have the time to keep on top of each employee, but you need a way to monitor their online productivity, it's worth trying employee monitoring software. This way, you can keep track of their online activities, without having to spend all day doing so.
4. Use the Cloud for File Sharing
How often have you become frustrated at waiting for a file to be sent or downloaded from an employee? It's one thing to ask someone to send you a file, but it's another thing entirely to wait for however long it takes them to do it.
Manage your employees better by getting everyone to share important files through the cloud. This means that you don't have to wait for them to manually upload it - as soon as they create the file, it will be there and available for you to access.
5. Try Payroll Technology
Another frustrating part of managing your employees is making sure that payroll gets payments in on time, and making sure that every employee gets paid the correct amount. When someone is doing this manually every week, there is room for error.
These days, there are plenty of advanced payroll technology options that can streamline the whole process.
Keeping on top of your employees and running a tight ship is easier said than done. In an ever-changing environment, it can be difficult to manage them successfully day in and day out. However, technology can make it a bit easier such as password manager for teams. Consider these tricks to integrating technology into the workplace and see what a difference it can make to managing your team.